

Les naines brunes sont des organismes de sous-stellaires bizarres qui chevauchent la ligne entre les véritables étoiles et des planètes

Les naines brunes sont des organismes de sous-stellaires bizarres qui chevauchent la ligne entre les véritables étoiles et des planètes. Ils sont trop petits pour être des étoiles parce qu'ils ne portent pas une masse suffisante dans leurs cœurs pour brûler l'hydrogène et, par conséquent, le processus de fusion nucléaire stellaire ne peut "allumer leurs feux" comme il le fait pour les grands, véritables stars. D'autre part, ils sont beaucoup trop gros pour être classés comme des planètes. Ils pèsent en quelque part entre les lourdes masses des étoiles comme notre Soleil et des planètes géantes gazeuses, comme Jupiter et Saturne. En Février 2014, les astronomes de l'Université de Hertfordshire au Royaume-Uni ont annoncé qu'ils avaient repéré un exemple particulièrement particulière de cette étrange race - une naine brune présentant une atmosphère bizarre très très rouge!

Ces petits avortons bizarres de la litière stellaire sont probablement nés de la même manière comme de véritables étoiles naissent. Hélas, les naines brunes ne semblent pas être en mesure de gagner le poids dont ils ont besoin pour allumer leurs fours de fusion nucléaires - ce est pourquoi ils sont souvent désignés comme des étoiles avortées.

Toutes les étoiles, petits et grands, sont nés dans des poches denses qui sont incorporés dans l'une des très nombreuses, les nuages moléculaires interstellaires sombres glaciales qui flottent autour mystérieusement dans notre majestueuse grande galaxie spirale - notre pin-roue étoilée dans l'espace, la Voie Lactée Way. Lorsque cette extrêmement dense relativement petite poche, subit effondrement gravitationnel, une étoile de bébé, ou proto-étoile, est né.

Comme le feu, nouveau bébé étoiles se forme à partir du gaz de passation des marchés, la température au centre de la poche se élève au point extrême que l'hydrogène commence à fondre en hélium. Ce processus génère une très grande quantité d'énergie, et ce est la raison pourquoi les étoiles brillent si fort sous leur propre pouvoir. En revanche, les planètes se forment à partir d'un anneau de petits grains de poussière collante et de gaz qui entoure une étoile nouveau-né - le disque d'accrétion protoplanétaire - et ils ne atteignent jamais une température suffisamment élevée pour que les particules de fusionner et libèrent incandescent, tiré étoile énergie. Par conséquent, une planète ne devient suffisamment chaude et brûlante-massif à poindre avec sa propre lumière belle et brillante.

Mais naines brunes sont des échecs que des étoiles. Ils ne peuvent atteindre des tailles intermédiaires entre les planètes géantes gazeuses et de la Petite étoiles naines rouges. Les naines rouges sont les plus petits de véritables étoiles dansent autour dans le Cosmos - ils sont petits, comme les étoiles vont, mais ils portent encore une masse suffisante pour être, fusion nucléaire, la séquence principale (hydrogène-combustion) étoiles normales. Toutes les étoiles sont-Fournaise chaud, bouillant, mouvante boules de la plupart de l'hydrogène gazeux.

Parce que petits nains rouges relativement fraîches sont si petite, ils peuvent "vivre" des milliards et des milliards d'années, en raison de leur taux extrêmement lent de la fusion nucléaire. En revanche, les étoiles les plus massives dans le Cosmos sont farouchement chaude - et, par conséquent, ils vivent rapide et "meurent" jeune, en raison de leur taux extrêmement rapide de la fusion nucléaire. Le l'étoile, plus courte est sa «vie» plus massive! Torride chaud, étoiles très massives sont condamnés à périr dans les explosions, éblouissant, brillants violentes explosions de supernovae. Relativement petits nains rouges fraîches conduisent, "vie", beaucoup plus doux et paisible prennent leur temps fusion patiemment leur approvisionnement en carburant nourrissante de l'hydrogène en hélium.

Tous les véritables stars, quel que soit leur poids, "vivent" leur entière séquence principale "vit" au moyen de la fusion nucléaire. Ce processus fusionne progressivement les atomes d'hydrogène - l'élément atomique léger et le plus abondant de l'Univers - en éléments atomiques progressivement plus en plus lourds (nucléosynthèse stellaire). La fusion nucléaire crée la pression de radiation, qui pousse tout et loin de l'étoile -. Et ce qui maintient l'étoile confortablement gonflable contre le resserrement de concassage de gravité, qui tente de tirer tout dans Lorsqu'une étoile a épuisé son approvisionnement de carburant nécessaire d'hydrogène, il ne peut plus exercer cette pression vitale par le biais de la fusion nucléaire, et la gravité l'emporte - comme l'étoile se effondre et «meurt».

Parce que ces petits échecs stellaires, que nous appelons les naines brunes, jamais gagner assez de poids pour faire comme de véritables stars, ils finissent par ne possédant que la petite quantité de chaleur qu'ils sont nés avec - et pas plus. La plupart des astronomes classent un objet qui se situe entre 15 et 75 masses de Jupiter comme une naine brune. Cette gamme de masses ne permet pas l'objet de soutenir la fusion de l'hydrogène en hélium de la manière éclatante d'une étoile naine rouge normale, ainsi que sa famille étoilée plus grande. Les naines brunes, par conséquent, ne ont pas de source d'énergie interne - ils ne peuvent pas produire de la chaleur dans leurs cœurs - et ils sont condamnés à rester cool et sombre, et ils continuent de croître plus en plus froid au fil du temps.

Sky Red!

Du désert d'Atacama situé dans le nord du Chili, Very Large Telescope de l'European Southern Observatory (VLT) a réussi à détecter une naine brune lointaine avec une atmosphère inhabituelle très très rouge. Les astronomes de l'Université de Hertfordshire Centre de recherche d'astrophysique utilisé le VLT de compenser cette rougissant naine brune, qui est extrêmement rouge par rapport aux naines brunes "normaux".

Écrit dans la revue Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, astronome principal, le Dr Federico Maroc rapporte que la naine brune, officiellement baptisé ULAS J222711-004547 est rouge parce qu'il arbore une couche exceptionnellement épaisse de nuages dans sa haute atmosphère.

"Ce ne sont pas le type de nuages que nous sommes habitués à voir sur Terre. Les nuages épais sur cette naine brune notamment sont principalement faits de poussières minérales, comme enstatite et de corindon. Non seulement avons-nous été en mesure de déduire leur présence, mais nous ont également été en mesure d'estimer la taille des grains de poussière dans les nuages ", a déclaré le Dr Maroc la presse le 6 Février 2014.

La taille des grains de poussière coupable permet de déterminer la couleur du ciel. Le ciel rouge sur cette petite naine brune indique une atmosphère débordante de particules de poussière et d'humidité. Si le ciel du matin que nous observons sur la Terre est rouge, ce est parce que un ciel clair à l'est permettre au soleil pour éclairer le dessous des nuages chargés d'humidité en suspension dans de l'ouest. D'autre part, afin de témoigner de nuages rouges dans la soirée, la lumière du soleil doit être capable de parcourir une voie claire de l'ouest afin d'éclairer les nuages chargés d'humidité voyageant vers l'est. Cependant, ce nouveau sport découvert naines brunes rouges une atmosphère très différente - son ciel est toujours rouge!

Les planètes géantes gazeuses demeurant dans la famille envoûtante de notre Soleil, Jupiter et Saturne, sport une variété de couches de nuages qui incluent le sulfure d'hydrogène et d'ammoniac - ainsi que la vapeur d'eau. L'atmosphère de cette naine brune particulièrement bizarre, ce est plus chaud que ceux des géantes gazeuses de notre système solaire - il porte la vapeur d'eau, le méthane, et probablement un peu d'ammoniac, mais, curieusement, il est complètement dépassé par les particules minérales argile taille!

En étudiant attributs atmosphériques de cette naine brune très rouge, les astronomes espèrent mieux comprendre comment les conditions extrêmes, il développés, et comment un tableau d'atmosphères extrêmes similaire pourrait être en mesure de former et peut exister dans tout le Cosmos.

«Étant l'un des plus rouges naines brunes jamais observé, ULAS J222711-004547 fait une cible idéale pour de multiples observations pour comprendre comment le temps est dans une telle atmosphère extrême," a expliqué le Dr Avril Day-Jones à la presse le 6 Février, 2014 . Dr Day-Jones, qui a contribué à la découverte, est un astronome de l'Université de Hertfordshire Centre de recherche pour l'astrophysique.

"En étudiant la composition et de la variabilité de la luminosité et des couleurs des objets de ce genre, nous pouvons comprendre comment le temps travaille sur les naines brunes et les liens avec les autres planètes géantes," at-elle ajouté.

Amazing Holidays in Morocco

The conditions for fishing in both fresh and salt water are perfect. The landscapes are perfect scene fro a nature loving person. The weather of the country is very suitable for everyone. The broad coasts and the countryside will guarantee the most memorable fishing experience. Morocco is certainly one of the best fishing points in the whole world.

Are you fond of fishing? If yes then I am sure you won't have had an experience of fishing in the waters of morocco. It has two oceans; 2000 miles of Atlantic coastline and 300 miles of Mediterranean coastline. There are so many rivers flowing in Morocco, snow caped mountains are almost 13.700 feet high it is a very interesting place and a very attractive place to visit when the rivers flow down the slope of those high mountains. This is what Moroccan fishing has to offer you. So if you are a fishing enthusiast then Morocco is your next destination. The desserts of Morocco are also magnificently spotted by wadis (valleys) and oases. So this is what you will get for your fishing passion.

There are a lot of inland lakes and rivers. If you like deep sea fishing you can head towards the ocean. If you are an inland fishing lover then the place that will be best for you is Middle Atlas, as it has numerous lakes and rivers. The most caught fish is trout in the inlands.

Here are some of the best spots for fishing:

-Azrou (near the Aghmas lakes)
-Khenifra on the Oum er Rbia River
-Ifrane and its wonderful National Park
-Ouirgane on the Nfis River
-Bin el Ouidane, near Beni Mellal

All these are the favorite fishing spots for trout. But don't worry all the Morocco is full of various species of fish. You will find roach, pike, barbels, black bass, carp perch, and eels in almost every lake of Morocco. In the areas of deep mountain lakes black bass, barbell, perch and trout are fished.

If you are ocean fishing lover then there are a lot of opportunities to do so. You will find many types of fish species especially along the Atlantic coast of Morocco. If you arrange a boat trip then you can even go for deep sea fishing. You can arrange a boat trip from Casablanca and from Sakhla in the Sahara. So if you plan for a morocco vacation just for fishing it will not be a waste.

You Can Fly From the UK to Marrakech If You Don't Want to Drive

Those who are planning a vacation to the United Kingdom are going to appreciate the fact that they can get from the UK to Marrakech without breaking the bank. There are two different types of flights that are offered from the United Kingdom. The first are the commercial flights and the second are charter flights. Both offer positive and negative aspects for their own means of flying to Marrakech from the UK.

Charter Flights

A charter flight is a very good option as it can save a family a good deal of money. There are not going to be many commercial flights that are going to be as cheap as a charter flight. These charters are sold as a package deal so it there is the added bonus of not having to worry about accommodations or sight-seeing trips as these are all going to be included in the package.

If you are just looking for a cheap flight without the package, you are going to need to purchase your flight from the UK as these seats are only sold after the packages have been filled. This is the only downside to flying through a charter flight company. It is really not a down side but it can leave the flight plans up in the air before you travel to the UK.

Do not look for all the bells and whistles that you would get on a commercial flight. The reason these seats come at a discount is because they do not offer any extras. You are paying for a flight and only a flight. It is also recommended that you bring your own snacks and drinks for the time you are going to be flying.

Commercial Flights

Many of the major commercial airlines in the United Kingdom offer flights to Marrakech. These flights are also cheap and many business class flights can be had for just over one hundred English pounds which is roughly two hundred dollars. This price can vary depending on the exchange rate when the flight is purchased. Those who want to fly commercially to Marrakech from the UK, then you should find out what the exchange rate is try to book it when the rate is best for the US dollar.

Coach flights are offered at a lower rate, but with the cost and comfort of business class flights, many are going to feel that business class is the better option. Those on a tight budget are going to want to look at the coach fares to see if they are more affordable than the business class flights are going to be. If you are looking for a package deal, you do not have to stick with the charter flights as there are many packages available from commercial airlines as well.

If you want to expand your family's vacation to include Africa, then Morocco is the best option. There are many flights daily that leave the UK and go directly to Marrakech. This is a beautiful country with loads of history that you can become a part of with one of these types of flights.

If you're planning a trip to Morocco and you are looking for a fantastic place to stay, consider Marrakech Riad. They have fabulous Marrakech accommodation [] and pleasant, helpful staff to ensure your stay is the best imaginable.

Flights to Marrakech From Continental Europe

There are many ways to travel from Continental Europe to Marrakech. One of the easiest ways is to travel by airplane. You can also drive from Spain to Morocco as well. Driving is not always the best way to go though when there are many flights to Marrakech from continental Europe. These flights are not as expensive as one might think and there are many deals being offered.

If you are planning a trip to Europe, you might also want to take a side trip to Africa. You can do this by going to Morocco which is the northernmost country on the African continent. It is also the African country that is closest to Europe and offers languages from Spanish, French and even English. Morocco is a melting pot of artisans and people who are seeking to get away from commercial living. These people seek out places like Marrakech where they can have the modern day luxuries without the hustle and bustle of modern day life.

For a flight that is only going to cost a couple of hundred dollars more, you can also experience this historic city that is a popular get away for many people. Not only are you going to be able to take a quick jump to another continent that is full of history, but you can take many of the day trips offered that are going to get you even more away from it all. Your family is going to benefit from getting some history of the country and you are going to benefit from the quiet and tranquility of many of the day trips.

There are the High Atlas Mounts that offer mule rides to tour the largest peaks in Morocco. You can stay at a Berber Guesthouse where you are going to be treated to local customs. There are also five star resorts and restaurants for those with a taste for the high life. There are trips that are going to fit into any budget and lifestyle choice.

There are flights that leave most of the main cities in Continental Europe so fitting a quick trip to Marrakech Riad can be done from any European destination you have chosen. If you are planning a trip to tour Europe, then you are definitely going to want to make a quick trip to Marrakech as well for the above reasons.

There are many package deals that are available when booking trips so make sure you speak to your travel agent and make sure you take a few days to visit this historic country. You are going to be able to find a package that easily suits your budget as well as your taste for travel. Do not miss out seeing one of the most picturesque countries in the world when you travel to Europe. It will be a short flight that is not going to put any extra strain on your current travel budget.

Egypt Travel - Getting There and Around

Egypt's mystical and timeless appeal has for centuries seen the ancient country being ranked among the most spectacular sightseeing destinations in the world.

Egypt is reached by air, water as well as road and rail. Those travelling by air can come in through Cairo International Airport, Alexandria, Nozah, Luxor and Aswan in Upper Egypt, Hurghaba in the Red Sea area, and Sharm El-Sheikh in South Sinai.

There are several airliners that offer Egypt flights including British Airways, Alitalia, Turkish Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Royal Dutch Airlines, and Thai Airways International.

In addition to airports there are a number of marine harbors for those that prefer to travel by sea. For those travelling on the Mediterranean Sea, the ports of Alexandria, Port Said, and Damietta are all possible entry points. There is also a port right at the Gulf of Suez and another, the port of Nuweiba on the Gulf of Aqaba. The Red Sea offers three options for travellers; the ports of Hurghaba, Safaga, and Sharm El-Sheikh.

For those who prefer road trips, there are three overland entry posts. The Salloum entry post is located on the northwestern border (for those coming in from Libya). The famous Rafah crossing is on the northeastern border for those coming in from the Gaza strip, the Occupied Territories, and Israel. On the eastern border there is a post at Taba for those coming in from Israel.

Getting the right paper work and visa is essential to a stress free entry into Egypt. Non-Egyptian visitors arriving in Egypt are required to be in possession of a valid passport. Visas can be obtained from either the Egyptian Diplomatic and consular Missions Abroad, the Entry Visa Department, or from Immigration and Nationality Administration (TDINA). However it is possible for visitors to obtain an entry visa at any major points of entry.

Visitors entering Egypt at the overland border post to Taba to visit Gulf of Aqaba coast and St. Catherine can be exempted from visa and granted a free residence permit for fourteen days to visit the area. Citizens of the following countries are required to be in possession of a pre-arrival visa: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chechnya, Croatia, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Lebanon, Macau, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, The Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Sri-Lanka, Tadzhikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and all African countries.

Those in possession of a residence permit in Egypt are not required to obtain an entry visa if they leave the country and return to it within the validity of their residence permit or within six months, whichever period is less. There are three kinds of visas to Egypt. Tourist visas are usually valid for a period not exceeding three months and granted on either single or multiple entry basis. Entry visa are required of any visitors arriving in Egypt for purposes such as work, and study that are not related to tourism. This visa is necessary for the completion of the residence procedure in Egypt. Transit visas are made available to travellers transiting through Egypt. Once in Egypt, visitors have different options to get around the country in an easy and comfortable way. The options range from car rental, luxury trains, and coaches to domestic flights to connect tourist cities.

If you are coming in through Cairo International, you have the option of renting a limousine with fixed fees according to your accommodation location from the airport, or use Cairo airport transportation service which covers all the country and airports. You can request for this service through your travel agent or from the information desk at the airport.

The easiest and most common way of moving within any city is by taxis. This are easily available in the major cities, Cairo, for instance, has a fleet of air-conditioned and metered yellow cabs. One is whoever advised to book their taxis at least an hour before their intended time for their trip. In some cases it is recommended that you ask for a receipt as proof of payment to avoid any inconvenience later. Alternatively one could catch a regular taxi on the street or even in front of their hotel. They are usually coloured depending on the city they operate in. in Alexandria they are yellow and black, in Cairo they are black and white. It is very important to know the colour codes in different cities so that you minimize risks.

Egypt's major cities have a healthy bus system within and between the cities. Examples of which are Super Jet, Delta and Upper Egypt buses. They go from city to city and they provide catering facilities, toilets and on board entertainment. The con in travelling with buses is that they stop far too often thus taking too long especially on long distance trips. Rail travel is highly recommended for long distance travel.

The underground, which is comprised of two long lines, is the cheapest and fastest way to move inside Cairo and Giza governorate especially in the rush hours (from 2 pm to 5pm). The first, from Helwan to El Marg has 33 stops; the second, from Giza to Shoubra El Khema has 18 stops. Note that the first carriage on each train is always strictly for women. Summer working hours are from 6:00 am to 1:00 am and winter working hours are from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Many transportation companies offer a wide choice of luxury cars and coaches with well trained drivers. Car rental agencies are represented in the major cities as well as the international and domestic airports. The train is one of the best ways to travel between major Egyptian cities.

Three kinds of trains are available: the ordinary, the express, and the turbo. The express and the turbo are the more expensive options, but they come with the advantage of a pampered journey taking you to your destination rapidly with all catering facilities and air-conditioning. An excellent turbo train service is available between Cairo and main cities around the country. The train takes about two hours to go from Cairo to Alexandria.

For those who prefer to travel by air locally, Egypt Air - the national carrier - links most of the tourist cities in Egypt with its reliable domestic flights. It is possible to fly directly from Luxor to Sharm El Sheikh or Alexandria.

Samuel Maina is online travel writer for Africa point Limited, an Africa specialist travel agent, offering online reservation services for hotels, airline tickets, rental cars, tours and safaris to 13 African countries. Read some of his works on and

An Overview of Morocco and Her Famous Places

Morocco is one of the major countries in North Africa having an overall population of almost 39 million where lots of travelers travel each year making this country one of the top attractions in this North African region. This beautiful destination is a home to so many attractions and attracts most of the art lovers because of her natural and scenic beauty. Thus morocco flights can lead you to these destinations and famous hotspots and can be a source of delight and comfort during your air travel to this shining destination. The tourism industry has a major role in the economy of the state and the government on the other hand also facilitates and promotes the travel and tourism in the country.

The weather and the climatic conditions in this state are considered to be quite assisting and helpful for the travelers and visitors. The beautiful scenery, lovely and charming beaches and some quite and relaxed paces make this country a hotspot for foreign tourists and investors and so many overseas property buyers who want to invest their finance in the real state. There are so many flights to Morocco flying from many major destinations of the world carrying travelers and tourists and the business professionals as well. The statistics and the past data reveals this fact that the country's pace of progress in increasing as it is becoming more and more developed and well recognized destination in North Africa.

Traveling to Morocco brings you to avail so many opportunities to travel so many famous and worldly popular destinations like Ait-Ben-Haddou, Asilah, Casablanca, Fes, Marrakech City, Meknes, Sahara Desert, Tangiers, Tetouan, The Todra Gorge where you can feel quite comfortable and relaxed. There are lots of business opportunities in these glorious destinations where you can invest your finance to expect some decent returns. However mostly the business professionals prefer to purchase business class tickets for their flights to Morocco and experience a safe and secure journey.

If you are traveling to Rabat the capital city of Morocco you can find this city quite well developed where a huge flock of passengers travel to. There are three major airports in this country where you can travel through after having your cheap flights to Morocco as these three airports are located in Tangier, Agadi, and Casablanca. Those flights coming from long air routes arrive at Casablanca airport as Casablanca is one of the most glorious and dazzling city of Morocco.

Last Month I took a tour to Morocco with my family by reserving with flights to Morocco [] and really enjoyed there

Best Travel Destinations to Visit With Cheap Airfares

Whether you are going with family, friends, or alone, for business or pleasure, or to enjoy the nature, adventures and romance, get on without any delay for your dream place. There are many destinations that you can visit with a cheap airline fare. Now-a-days, the travel agencies offer many all-inclusive packages, responding to the expectations of the tourists, at very reasonable rates. These agencies organize their stay, sight-seeing, and other additional activities as well. For instance, Wild Discovery, one of the most active travel agencies in the market, tries to offer the best services to the customer.

If you are planning to go for a honeymoon, then the Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Thailand, Malaysia, or the Caribbean are the most-favored places. These dreamy destinations are full of a kind of romantic ambiance suitable for the newlyweds. The heat of the sun, enticing beaches, scuba diving to see the spectacular wrecks laden with corals and sponges and fish and turtle shelters, Getaway Sailing, care and massages based marine products; everything attracts the lovers. Couples like Europe: Prague, Budapest, and Vienna, and Central America.

With regard to families, the Mediterranean is the most-liked destination having Cyprus, Greek Islands, Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia and Cote d'Azur. Cyprus is an ideal place for relaxation. In Morocco, the family can enjoy the dunes, oases and palm groves. Enjoy exploring the valley of roses. Cheap airline tickets to Morocco are available online. China is also an attractive tourist destination. Its main characteristics are its legendary cities, wonderful scenes, its culinary arts, traditions and the charm of its modern cities.

To make your traveling safer, enjoyable, and above all, economic, you must select a travel agency that is renowned and experienced. It will help you to make your plans according to your budget, your tastes and requirements. Before buying any package, it is very important to know about the facilities included in the package. Though the all-inclusive schemes are very popular, you must see whether it matches your expectations or not. The global service includes not only low-cost flights, transfers and hotel, but also many other activities and some meals. It is better to use the prepaid cards instead of carrying cash that can be stolen or lost. Thus, enjoy the best travel destinations with cheap airfares.