

Marokko Treks - Planning voor het grote avontuur

De hoge bergen van de Atlas zijn de meest populaire bestemming voor wandelaars. Deze regio is grotendeels onbenut door iemand anders dan de Berberstammen, te wijten aan haar externe aard alsmede Marokko wordt door de VN reisde. De treks men kan nemen variëren van korte wandelingen door cedar bossen tot moeilijke tochten van steile en rotsachtige hellingen.

Gebieden van de hoge bergen van de Atlas kunnen niet worden bereikt tijdens de winter vanwege de verraderlijke bergpaden. Andere gebieden omzetten in winter uitzichten met kleine skigebieden en veel afdaling skiplezier. Een locatie voor trekking Marokko u meest opwindende vindt misschien is het zelden reisde Jbel Sarhro. Jbel Sarhro loopt langs de Anti Atlas en hoge Atlas gebergte. Vanaf het gebied is het mogelijk te vergeten de Saharawoestijn in de verte. Er zijn mesas, kloven en vulkanische pinakels die worden verzacht door de groei van palmen en amandel olijfgaarden. Het is een droge land met wilde landschappen gewoon te wachten voor de volgende bezoeker.

Trektochten door de Jbel Sarhro kunnen duren vijf tot twintig dagen afhankelijk van wat u wenst te zien. De verschillende wandelingen zijn bijna eindeloos wanneer het gaat om keuzes. De eerste plaats veel reizigers kiezen om te zien is Bab n? li. Deze hoge Atlas trekking ervaring brengt u naar rotsformaties die geologisch gezien vreemd. Bijvoorbeeld zijn de Tete De Chamaux of het hoofd van de kameel kliffen die i. boven onderscheidend. De kliffen zijn ook indrukwekkend qua omvang en pracht. Er is ook het Taggourt Plateau. Het plateau is de perfecte gelegenheid voor trekkers om terug te kijken wat ze lieten achter. Het is een prachtige groene en rode landschap, dat is een wonder voor iedereen die ooit heeft gezien. Er zijn talrijke pieken, plateaus, en rotsformaties te onderzoeken in het hele gebied.

Tizi n Tazazert is een twee tot drie dag wandelen tot een pass. Vanuit dit gebied is het mogelijk om te nemen een vijfdaagse lus van N? ob naar de Handeour Valley waar droge rivierbeddingen de avonturier wachten. Tadout n? ablah is een ander plateau van de regio. De meest prachtige gebied in de regio Jbel Sarhro is Jbel Bou Rhdad en Tamouline. Ze zijn twin peaks die u kunt trek. Terwijl deze pieken niet de 4.000 meter van Jbel Toubkal bereiken zijn ze niet minder indrukwekkend dan het hoogste hoge Atlas gebergte. Aangezien het bergachtige gebied van Jbel Sarhro eenmaal was bezaaid met actieve vulkanen hebben u zelfs meer om toe te voegen aan de reis sites. Vulkanisch gesteente kan nog steeds worden gevonden in de buurt van de trajecten voor u te verwonderen de rotsen zijn zeer oude.

Exotische Marokko - Home Sweet Home

Marokko heeft veel te bieden met betrekking tot decor wegens de geografische ligging. Beroemde plaatsen zoals Casablanca, Marrakech toont de wereld de fijne kneepjes van Marokkaanse kunst en architectuur. Het woord Marokko is synoniem met rijke tinten; mysterie die gevarieerde verbeelding in ons oproept. Marokko dat is omgeven door lang kustgebieden en dorre woestijn en aangebraden door de harde zon de Marokkaanse levendige kleuren komen tot leven. De verschillende landschappen bieden gevarieerde en levendige kleuren van de natuur als fel oranje van de zon, aqua blauw van de zee, zilveren kleur van de maan, gouden kleur van de zon kuste zand, oker kleur van de bergketens.

De diepe donkere blauwe bieden een dramatische achtergrond voor de hele kamer. Aangezien Marokko heeft veel Oosterse dingen te bieden de kamers krijgen versierd met artefacten terracotta tegels, werkt glas juweel, levendige stof kleuren. U kunt overtollige van Marokko in het hele ontwerp van het huis vinden. Alles is geïnspireerd door de natuur. De stoffen en patronen gebruikt in de inrichting van Marokko zijn vormen van kunst die van leeftijden zijn doorgegeven. De eerste kamer, die dramatisch effect van verschillende decoratie heeft de tweede kamer kan verminderen het effect subtiele textuur die is afgezwakt. Donkere houten plank, stoffen die uit de maximum, gouden en groene gecombineerde kleuren vallen kunnen rijke bekleding vormen. De beroemde mozaïek illustratie kan de muren versieren. Planten kunnen worden gemarkeerd met ingewikkelde gevlochten manden en exotische bloemen kunnen worden weergegeven met afgeronde glad zon gebleekt stenen.

Enkele artikelen van Marokkaanse traditionele artefacten kunnen worden toegevoegd aan het verbeteren van de rijke cultuur van deze exotische plaats. Levendige mozaïek tabellen kunnen fleuren de kamer. De beroemde verlichting en lampen die worden met de hand gesneden en gemaakt van kameel botten kunnen sieren de muren van de kamer voor dramatisch effect. Brocades gemaakt van metalen linten kunnen markeren de muur of meubilair of de verdiepingen. Zijde bedekt grote kussens die Indische invloed kunnen een kamer kijken rijk en kleurrijke maken. U kunt een dramatische uitstraling geven aan het Parlement door de lokale smaak door toe te voegen enkele stenen pilaren, sommige toren dat hebben de ontwerp-o een moskee, sommige boog gevormd ingang en ingewikkelde smeedijzeren poorten.

Marokko decor of sfeer is niet compleet zonder de beroemde exotische geuren en die kun je in de keuken. Marokko invloed is voelbaar in sommige delen van Europa zoals Italië, Spanje. Deze invloeden kunnen worden aangepast aan de inrichting van Marokko zoals de ijzer grill of de tegels. Vanwege zijn strategische geografische ligging zijn er gevarieerde invloeden op Marokko decor dat er zijn geen vaste regels die moeten worden opgenomen. Er is niets te doen gelden om te definiëren van Marokko decor, want het is een samensmelting van ideeën. Met de beschikbare informatie en gegevens kunt u uw eigen ideeën evolueren.

Prachtige Marokkaanse stad van Marrakech

Het hele land van Marokko heeft een mystieke en geheimzinnige romantische vereniging voor veel mensen. Dit is voor een groot deel te wijten aan de prominente stad Casablanca, die was ook de titel van een iconische Amerikaanse film staren Humphrey Bogart en Ingrid Bergman. En terwijl de film kan hebben ingevoerd de algemene symbolische associatie naar het hele land van Marokko, de stad van Marrakech is eigenlijk een van de grootste culturele centra van het. Het is ook een van de belangrijkste toeristische bestemmingen in het land. En met dat in gedachten is het ook waarschijnlijk dat veel van de mensen die bezoek Marrakech ook zal een reis noorden naar Casablanca.

Marrakech heeft vele onderscheidende elementen die plaats op de top van vele internationale lijsten en de bloeiende cultuur is vertegenwoordiger van de hedendaagse progressieve status evenals zijn divers en dynamische geschiedenis. Marrakech is de hoofdstad van het midden van de zuidwestelijke regio en ligt in de uitlopers van het Atlas-gebergte. Deze verbazingwekkende besneeuwde pieken zijn een prachtige achtergrond en atmosferische accent naar de prachtige stad die hieronder en ze maken ook een soort van beschermende veiligheid gevoel. De bergen een belangrijke rol hebben gespeeld in het cultureel erfgoed van de stad en hebben een bijna spirituele aanzienlijke aan ingezetenen van het door de eeuwen heen.

De stad zelf vertelt het verhaal van de geschiedenis, en niet in tegenstelling tot veel andere Noord-Afrikaanse culturele centra die het bestaat uit een oude versterkte inrichting, bekend als de medina, evenals de hedendaagse moderne stad, heet die Gueliz. De totale bevolking van Marrakech is meer dan een miljoen inwoners en een van de onderscheidende kenmerken is de traditionele markt in de stad, die de grootste in zijn soort in Marokko is. Het merendeel van Marokko's internationale toeristen komen in het land via de Menara International Airport is gelegen in Marrakech. En zoals eerder gezegd, ze zijn waarschijnlijk te nemen van de trein spoor Noord, die zal hen het land in Casablanca.

Marrakech heeft één van de drukste pleinen van de stad in Marokko en het geheel van Afrika en de rest van de wereld. Het plein, bekend als het Djemaa el Fna als vol met mensen zowel dag en nacht en het is een van de grote entertainment en activiteit hubbubs van de stad. Gedurende de dag talrijke artiesten zoals acrobaten, dansers, muzikanten en allerlei andere entertainers trekken en verrukking menigten. Als de nacht valt, kraampjes wordt geopend op het plein en patroons kijken als het verandert in een grote open uitgezonden restaurant. Het is een van de meest opwindende plekken in de stad en toeristen genieten van het gevarieerde aanbod en zijn in staat om te ervaren een grote hoeveelheid cultuur op één locatie.

Cultural Etiquette in Morocco

Anytime you visit a foreign country it is best to understand the rules of etiquette. In some countries a gesture can be a friendly greeting, while in others it is a rude offense. Traveling to Morocco, a country located in North Africa, is no different. To best enjoy your Moroccan holiday, there are certain things you should know about cultural etiquette as it relates to language, dress code, greetings and dining.


Moroccans primarily speak Arabic, specifically a Moroccan Arabic dialect. If you elect to go trekking in the mountains or in the Sahara Desert, you should expect Arabic to be the main language you hear. French is another common language of the country; however, it is spoken mostly in the northern region in places like the Rif Mountains, Algiers and Casablanca. Berber-Arabic can be found in the mountain and desert regions as well. English, Spanish and French are spoken and understood in cities such as Fez, Marrakesh and Casablanca. It would be polite for you to learn some conversational French before your trip.


Morocco is mainly a Muslim country so your dress should reflect the cultural norm. Dressing in Muslim tunics is not appropriate for a foreigner; however, you should not wear skimpy shirts, shorts or skirts. Instead, you should wear modest clothing such as skirts that reach below the knees, light cotton pants and shirts that cover your shoulders. Beachwear is appropriate at tourist resorts along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coast, but not at local restaurants in these same areas.


Hospitality is key to the Moroccan culture. After introductions have been made, it is customary to ask about family or friends during a conversation. You can greet people with handshakes as long as they are the same gender. A "Western" handshake tends to be firm and enthusiastic, whereas in Morocco a gentler handshake is required. Women must offer their hand first if they wish to shake hands with a man. A Muslim woman, especially those in full veil tend to refrain from physical contact. In this situation a slight bow or head tilt of acknowledgment would be acceptable.

Public affection such as kissing and hugging is not tolerated in Morocco. To a certain degree hand holding is considered a platonic gesture and is not as taboo as other affectionate displays. Cultural etiquette also states that a woman, when young and unmarried, should travel with a group or be accompanied by a man, rather than going alone to a public place.

Dining Etiquette:

It is customary to be invited to a family home for a meal while in Morocco. If that is the case, you should not refuse any offer of food and graciously accept any present given to you when you are invited in. It is customary to bring a gift, such as flowers, sweets or pastries. In certain households, the men and women dine separately and require a more conservative dress code.

Verkennen van de Top wandelpaden van Marokko

Als u denkt over het nemen van een reis naar Marokko, wilt u misschien overwegen deel te nemen, of alle, voor het te voet. Onder uw eigen stoom krijgt u ervaring van het landschap, steden en de cultuur op een manier die veel dieper dan als je gewoon bent suizen verleden in een bus of een auto. Reizen hier geeft toegang u tot een land anders dan alle andere in de wereld. Ver buiten uw normaal dagelijks leven belooft wandelen in Marokko vele verschillende en brede ervaringen. Uit de brede en lege warme Sahara sands aan begeleide wandelingen door de fascinerende stad van Marrakech, zijn er veel verschillende soorten Wandelvakanties die u kan deelnemen.

Als u met name avontuurlijke bent, kunt u uitdaging jezelf aan de zware- nog belonen - wandeling door de prachtige bergen van de Atlas. Als u iets meer stedelijke wilt, kunt u de cultuur van sommige van's lands oudste stadscentra voet - echt voelen, ruiken en zien de geschiedenis en de stadsgezichten ervaren.

De Moorse Trail

In de 8e eeuw Moorse soldaten overgestoken naar het Iberisch schiereiland uit Afrika, en deze wandeling is een historische tour van hun reis en invloed in Noord-Afrika en Spanje. Wandelen in Marokko op de Moorse Trail zal brengen u van Marrakech naar Rabat (een grote keizerlijke stad en hoofdstad van het land). Vanaf daar kunt u neem de veerboot over de straat van Gibraltar en de aanhoudende invloed van de Moorse cultuur ervaring op heden Spaanse architectuur. U kunt de trein nemen naar Ronda, vangen een glimp van de mooie gewelfde brug die de kloof Tajo overspant, en kunt u klaar bent met de tour te voet in Madrid, waar de musea en galeries displays van de kunst en de artefacten van de Moorse geschiedenis van de regio zal hebben.

Zuiden van de Sahara

Wandelen in Marokko kunt brengen u naar enkele spectaculaire locaties met echt prachtige en unieke omgeving. De Sahara duinen bieden een van's werelds mooiste achtergronden voor een vakantie op de voet. Beginnen uw tour in Marrakech, zult u de stad met zijn bruisende Djemaa el Fna-plein en uit het hoofd in de expansieve hoge Altas voordat u naar beneden in de vallei van een duizend gebouw, waar je geleid zult worden naar Tinerhir, een oase marktstadje verlaten. U zult volgen ravijnen en nomadische wandelpaden door de valleien en bergen, stoppen in dorpen te ervaren Marokkaanse plattelandsleven.

Wandelen in Marrakech

Marrakech is een zeer populaire bestemming voor toeristen, en wanneer op een vakantie wandelen in Marokko, het is een must-see stad voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd in het ervaren van de cultuur en het stadsleven. Allermeest naar de wandeltochten die je in het land meenemen zal op zijn minst daar passeren, maar elke route controleren om zeker te zijn. Je zou niet willen missen deze grote stad!

To Market, to Market - Buying and Living in Morocco

Faring better under global recession conditions, Morocco is now one of the most stable economies in northern Africa. A youthful and progressive king, Mohammed VI has enthusiastically embraced economic development and has changed laws to make property investment easier for foreigners, providing an array of tax incentives such as low CGT, no inheritance tax and no property tax for the first five years.

His ambitious tourist project Vision 2010 aims to attract 10 million visitors a year to the country where English, French and Spanish are widely spoken, and is responsible for an extensive programme of resort development, such as the flagship Mediterranea Saidia on the north coast.

In the last ten years, house prices have more than doubled in Morocco, particularly in the popular cities of Tangiers, Marrakech, Fez, Rabat and Casablanca. Buyers have the option of an older property, such as the traditional Moroccan townhouse, or 'riad' that can be found in the medinas of the old cities, or a European colonial-style home (high ceilings, cool spaces, shutters, landscaped gardens) normally found in special development zones on the outskirts of cities, or a property within one of the big Mediterranean-style resort developments with amenities such as swimming pools, shops and restaurants.

A property in need of work can cost from £50,000 upwards, while a refurbished riad can set you back anything from £150,000 to over a million pounds. But Shaw's company can guide prospective buyers through the whole process. "Elite Morocco Properties have a team dedicated to sourcing the best riad opportunities and we can help you with everything from legal advice to renovation to management, rental and even the sale of your finished riad."

Wherever and whatever you buy, says Michael Kent of Moroccan Sands, the property company marketing the Blue Pearl Golf Resort in Saidia, make sure you take good advice. "It is fairly straightforward to buy property in Morocco and there are good tax benefits," says Kent, "but make sure you use a good independent local lawyer with knowledge of the Moroccan system. You should also ensure that all the payments you make for the property go into Morocco. This makes repatriation of the profit much easier."

Moroccan tourism's flagship Plan Azur project offers luxurious resort living in the government-backed Saidia development, which has covenants in place to cover any failure by developers. There is also a 15-year no-build guarantee on the surrounds so that the value of properties cannot be diluted by copycat developments. With shops, restaurants, sport and leisure facilities, marinas, golf courses, landscaped gardens and of course miles and miles of beaches, Saidia is at the centre of the King's Vision 2010 programme, and he often visits to monitor its progress. A variety of house styles are available, from apartments to penthouses and villas, starting at around £100,000.

When it comes to budgeting, on a £100,000 property for example, you would need to allow for around six to seven per cent to cover stamp duty, lawyer and notary fees, land registry and agent fees. So with links by air improving all the time, a glorious year-round climate and an exotic and colourful culture, Morocco seems perfect for Brits looking for some guaranteed winter sun.

Reis naar Marokko

Het unieke, tijdloze en ongewijzigd Marokko maakt een grote indruk op de geest. Marokko is een Noord-Afrikaanse land met vele reisbestemmingen. De beste tijd voor Traveling naar Marokko is tijdens de wintermaanden. De echte schoonheid is het Atlas-gebergte. Marokko heeft de smaak van romantiek, oude cultuur en geschiedenis. Sommige van de steden van Marokko zijn Marrakesh, Essaouira, Casablanca, Tanger en Fes. Bazaars, Medina, riads, sprankelende pijpen en ja, uitstekende stranden maken reizen naar Marokko een prachtige Afrikaanse avontuur.

Sightseeing in Marokko omvat beroemde stranden, beste badplaatsen, vertegenwoordigd door Essaouira, Tanger en Asilah, ook het Atlas-gebergte, de Saharawoestijn, de Dades-vallei.

Marokkaanse cultuur gastheren vele mensen met inbegrip van Berbers, de mensen van Noord-Afrika en de Nijl-vallei. De Marokkaanse cultuur is traditioneel met de mannen verdienen en vrouwen het verzorgen van het koken thuis. Er zijn veel van de beperkingen wat betreft vrouwen betrokken zijn. Vriendelijke en kleurrijke omgeving vindt u in Marokko. Marokkaanse cultuur is beroemd om zijn gastvrijheid.

Een verblijf in Marokko is een fascinerende ervaring. Marrakesh, wordt het cultuur centrum van Marokko, is een luidruchtige en bevolkte stad. Als u een verblijf hier overweegt, is Riad de beste optie. Riads in Marrakesh, het traditionele Marokkaanse huis, heeft in het algemeen een centrale binnenplaats met een fontein, restaurant of een zwembad. Sommige Marrakesh riads hebben ook terrasvormige cafetaria's, waar u ontbijt eten kunt terwijl u geniet van de schoonheid van de stad. Smaak van traditionele maaltijden kunt u genieten in Marrakesh riads. Alle de Marrakesh riads, zijn niet duur. Er zijn vele riads in Marrakesh, spelen een belangrijke rol in de Marokkaanse cultuur. Enkele populaire riads in Marrakesh zijn, Riad Magellan, Riad Dar Dialkoum, Riad Assala, Riad La Terrasse Desoliviers en nog veel meer.

Essaouria, de Marokkaanse stad is verrijkt met een mengsel van Franse invloeden samen met Marokkaanse tradities en cultuur. Essaouira is bekend om haar hout beeldhouwen, schilderijen, stoffen en muziek. De stad heeft lange witte huizen met blauwe deuren, en workshops. Ontzagwekkende stranden, zeevruchten en Gnaoua Music Festival zijn de specialiteit van de Essaouria. Als u wilt dat de meest fascinerende ervaring hier, moet u Essaouria riads bezoeken. Een verblijf riads in Essaouria is ideaal voor gezinnen. Essaouria riads, geven een huiselijke gevoel. Kamers zijn volledig uitgerust, met extra bedden, volledig uitgeruste badkamers, multi keuken restaurants en nog veel meer. Sommige van de beroemde riads hier zijn Ryad Watier, en Riad Asmitou.

Er zijn enkele reizen tips op Marokko die u moet onthouden. Niet moslims zijn verboden uit het bezoeken van moskeeën. Als u bezoek aan de stad tijdens de maand van de Ramadan, zul je een andere ervaring. Meestal de mannen en vrouwen beide voorkeur ter dekking van hun lichaam. U bent vrij om te verkleden als u alstublieft, maar niet beledigen Marokkanen over hun kleren. Lokale valuta is Dirham. Marokkaanse vervoer is niet erg duur. U zult genieten van uw verblijf daar.

Visit the Intriguing Remains of the City of Volubilis in Morocco

The Kingdom of Morocco is situated in the westernmost part of North Africa and is one of the famous places to visit for a holiday trip in this continent. This country was under the rule of the Umayadd Muslims of Damascus, Berber dynasties of Almoravid and Almohad, and European kingdoms of Rome and Germany in the past. Owing to this, this country has undergone many changes in its culture, which is a beautiful fusion of the Arabic, Berber and European influences. Some of the cities that are a hallmark of the Moroccon history are Meknes, Chefchaouen and Fes el Bali. Another place of historical interest is the city of Volubilis, which is one of the most visited sites of this nation. Check the airfare of various international airlines bound to Morocco, before you make plans to visit this spectacular place during your holidays.

Volubilis - Location and History

Volubilis, located in modern day Morocco, is now a partly excavated site of the then Roman town of 40 AD. This site was once the administrative centre and capital of the Roman province of Mauretania Tingitana and was home to more than 20,000 inhabitants. This place is situated to the west of the town of Moulay Idriss Zerhoun in the Jebel Zerhoun Plain and lies close to the cities of Meknes and Fez. According to archaeological evidences, this site was inhabited by people of the neolithic era in the 3rd century and was conquered by the Romans in about 40 AD.

Famous Things to See

This place has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list and boasts of a number of famous attractions. The best preserved structures of this place are a Roman forum, a 2nd century basilica and the Arch of Caracalla, which dates back to 217 AD. Columns of this forum still stand intact and the basilica can be seen with remains of its impressive walls, which are more than 30 feet tall. The most renowned remains of this site are its mosaic floors, which include Diana Bath, Works of Hercules, Orpheus Mosaics and Nereides.

Volubilis literally means Oualili (oleander flowers) in Berber language as the land of this site supports growth of a large number of oleander plants and olive trees. This place is also known by the name of Oualila and Ksar Pharoun (Pharaoh Palace) in Arabic language.

Excavation and Restoration

The site underwent massive destruction following an earthquake in the 4th century. Excavations of this site were initiated by the French from 1912 to 1956. Further restoration was carried out between 1930 and 1967. In 1997, this place was listed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Ervaar de cultuur en erfgoed van Marokko met een bezoek aan de Marrakech Medina

Als u op zoek bent naar een vakantie die functies zonneschijn, cultuur en erfgoed vervolgens verblijf in een villa Marokko voor u zou kunnen zijn. Vindt u dat er genoeg is te zien en te doen, met name in de hoofdstad van Marrakesh.

Wanneer u in een villa in Agadir u zeker zou moeten besteden ten minste één dag de Medina van de stad verkennen verblijft. De oude stad van Marrakech is een spannende plek om te verkennen, biedt u de mogelijkheid om te ervaren van de cultuur en geschiedenis van Marokko allen in één plaats. Als u wilt doen sommige winkelen tijdens uw verblijf souvenir kon niet dan u vinden een betere plaats, met souks (markten) verspreid over de straten van de Medina.

U kunt oprapen ambachten, stoffen en lokale delicatessen, geeft u de kans om te kopen een aandenken aan uw reis of halen sommige ongebruikelijke giften voor uw vrienden en familie. Als je bedorven voor keus wanneer het over het plukken van één van de vele Agadir villas aan huur en u moet Selecteer een waarmee u gemakkelijk toegang tot Marrakesh beschikbaar komt.

Een bezoek aan de stad Medina is over veel meer dan alleen winkelen, met tal van historische bezienswaardigheden om uit te zoeken. Als je in de Medina zelf loopt, zult u opmerken dat de oude stad van Marrakech is omringd door wallen van de 12e eeuw. Het erfgoed van de stad stopt niet daar, met tal van andere interessante gebouwen die elk een ander deel van Marrakesh de erfgoed vertegenwoordigen.

Stoppen in het hoofdplein in de scène te nemen is aan te raden, als u een van de straat artiesten bij de hand te geven u een unieke culturele show kunt vinden. Hoewel delen van de Medina overvol lijken kunnen, zijn er nog gebieden die u voor sommige meer ontspannen uitstapjes bezoeken kunt.

De Saadian Tombs gelegen in de tuin, Arabo-Andalusische zijn één dergelijke plaats. De mausolea zijn prachtig ingericht en zorgt voor een welkome onderbreking van de drukte en bedrijvigheid van de markten.

Een ander zicht om aan te nemen is de moskee El-Mansour, die bekend voor zijn opvallende minaretten staat. Als u wilt zien van de Medina - en in feite Marrakesh - in een alternatieve licht dan u het El-Badipaleis durven zou. Het terras op de ruïnes van dit paleis uit de 16e eeuw biedt een panoramisch uitzicht over de daken van de stad.

Cakes in Morocco

Gastronomy in Morocco is a fascinating domain that gives visitors another chance to discover the Moroccan culture, an amazing fusion of cultures and colours, especially since Moroccan cuisine shows the variety of Moroccan society. The preparation of cakes expresses too the great savoir-faire of Moroccan women, who have done many efforts to develop and innovate in this domain, a discipline that has been transmitted from generation to generation and that, day after day, its shows that a successful balance between modernity and originality can be achieved.

In this article I intend to explore some of the specificities of preparing cakes in Morocco. I will also mention some of the most famous types of Moroccan cakes.

Variety is the key word if when talking about cakes in Morocco. First, visitors to Morocco will see that women in Morocco rely on totally natural products when preparing their cakes. The most common products used in cake baking are almonds, nuts, raisins, and rose water. All these products are usually used for decoration, perfuming or stuffing.

Also, Moroccan women prefer to use several motifs that depict and evoke nature, such as flowers, plants, fruits and some geometric patterns like triangles, circles, waves, etc.

Moreover, visitors will find different and varied types of cakes specific to each region in Morocco. We can say that cakes in Morocco can be divided into two main types: on the one hand, there are some cakes that are presented in everyday life with the tea, like "elfakass", which is a very simple cake, prepared with flour, sugar, oil, eggs, and sesame seeds. It can be perfumed with orange juice and has the shape of a half circle. The "ghoriba" is a round cake prepared with oil, icing sugar, flour and can be livened up with dates, honey, cinnamon, peanuts, etc.

On the other hand we can find some other types that are often presented in special occasions. Such is the case of, for example, the "chbakia", which is prepared with flour, butter, saffron, and some other ingredients depending on the regions. This cake can be irrigated with honey and decorated with sesame and almonds and is prepared for Ramadan.

There are also the "lebriwat", which are triangles prepared with very fine paste stuffed with almonds and sugar, fried in oil, and irrigated with honey. In addition to these, there are many other cakes elaborated for special occasions, such as the "lkaak", which can take many shapes and show different motifs and is presented during the "Achoura" day.

Also the "kaab ghzal" or "gazelle's horns", one of the most famous cakes in Morocco, are usually eaten in special occasions. They are in the shape of a crescent and are stuffed with an almond paste and perfumed with orange blossom essence.

Moroccan cakes can thus provide you with a clearer idea of the great civilisation of Morocco. Moreover, it shows the creativity of Moroccan women, as well as their knowledge and respect for tradition.

If you want to discover the delicious Moroccan cakes I invite you to come to Marrakech, where you will get an excellent chance to enjoy all types of Moroccan cakes and will certainly change your view of patisserie. The Ochre City is waiting for you and welcomes you with open arms, inviting you to enjoy some magical moments full of joy and happiness.

Verpakking voor een reis naar Marokko met weer en cultuur in het achterhoofd

Wanneer u bezoek aan Marokko, zal uw reis uitgaansavonden opnemen in de stad, trekking door de bergen, de kameel tochten in de woestijn en culturele excursies wordt gemaakt. Zoals u pack voor uw vakantie van Marokko, zal u moeten overwegen welke activiteiten u zou willen doen, hoe uw kleding uit cultureel oogpunt zal worden opgevat en wat seizoen zal u reizen worden.


Als u een reis tijdens de zomermaanden, verwachten warmere temperaturen en trekking paden gewist van de sneeuw, maar hogere waterstand zullen cool jaar. In veel landen, het is alledaags om pack korte broek en een tank top, maar dat niet doen voor een reis naar Marokko. In plaats daarvan, pack lichtgewicht broeken en shirts (linnen werkt goed) maar vermijden elk onthullende kleding dragen. Veel Marokkanen zijn moslim en niet bloot te veel vlees via korte shorts, korte rokjes en tank tops wordt gewaardeerd, vooral tijdens uren met daglicht.

Vrouwen zou het verstandig om te kleden ten minste knie-lengte broeken of rokken tot avond. 'S avonds kan het nachtleven van Marokko rechtvaardigen een lossere dress code, hoewel dit zal afhangen van waar je naartoe gaat en hoe kosmopolitische een stad is. Ook, zorg te laten lokale kleding aan de lokale bevolking. Terwijl sommige Marokkanen djellabas of hip-lengte tunieken dragen, degenen die in de stad wonen hebben de neiging om te dragen kleding van de westelijk-stijl.


Herfst in Marokko is nog steeds vrij warm, maar temperaturen in de bergen beginnen te dalen tot 60 graden Fahrenheit. Tijdens de dag, een paar van lichtgewicht broek en t-shirt kan worden comfortabel, maar 's nachts waarschijnlijk wil je een jas wanneer temperaturen onder de 50 graden bereiken. De dichtheid van de jas zal grotendeels afhangen van waar u van plan bent om te reizen in het land.

In de woestijn, kunnen nachtelijke temperaturen worden veel koeler dan in de stad. Als u besluit om trek in de bergen, is een zwaardere vacht een goed idee. Bij het kiezen van uw kleding die je wilt misschien voorkomen wit. Het regenseizoen is nog om te beginnen, dus stof in de woestijn en steden met wind omhoog kunnen schoppen. Wit kan koeler; Nochtans, zult u opmerken dat het vuile krijgt vrij snel.


Winter reizen meestal tot culturele zal worden beperkt en rondleidingen door de stad, aangezien de meeste van de trekking excursies zijn niet mogelijk vanwege de sneeuw. In de winter zal maanden, zwaardere broeken en shirts of zelfs gelaagde kleding, worden meest comfortabele. Verpakking van lagen kunt u verwijderen of toevoegen van kleding, zoals nodig. Dagen in de woestijn zal worden warm, maar plan dienovereenkomstig voor koele avonden en nachten in de winter. Het is ook belangrijk op te merken dat het land regenachtige seizoen in November begint. Tijdens het regenseizoen is het beste om volledige regen gear.


De lente is een van de natste seizoenen in Marokko. Het land regens blijven tot het einde van maart, dus pak een regenjas en schoenen die comfortabel als het nat is. Een paraplu handig kan zijn in de stad, maar ze zijn lastig in de bergen. U moet ook koelere temperaturen verwachten in het voorjaar. Afhankelijk van waar u bezoekt, verwachten dag temperaturen tussen 55 en 79 graden, en bij nacht temperaturen tussen 38 en 57 graden vallen.

Marokkaans Voedsel is een aantal van de beste die u ooit zult hebben

Marokkaanse keuken is iets wat iedereen moet ervaring en geniet. Marokkanen zeker weet hoe om te eten, ze hebben grote delen van zeer gezonde voedingsmiddelen. Jongen, ik hou van Marokkanen, zij zijn een volk na mijn hart. Zij geloven in overvloed en ze nooit een maaltijd kort knippen. U vindt prachtige Marokkaanse voedingsmiddelen en het aantal varianten werkelijk verbluffend. De kruiden, de smaak en het bedrijf is dus zeer goed.

Ik zou graag u kennismaken met Marokkaanse voedsel omdat ik weet dat u zult love it zoals ik dat doe. Ik weet dat als je krijgen verslaafd zal u helpen uw gezondheid en langer leven. Ik weet dat het zal open uw geest om een geheel nieuwe manier van leven, lekker eten en geweldige mensen. Een cultuur die u nodig hebt om te begrijpen en ervaring. Het is om deze reden dat ik ga aan te bevelen een zeer goed boek voor u.

U kunt ofwel gaan uit naar een authentieke Marokkaanse restaurant of je zou kunnen proberen enkele van uw eigen thuis koken. Ik willen doen een beetje van beide, oh ja, dat ik wilde aanbevelen aan je boek. Het is het grootste Marokkaanse cookbook die ik ooit heb gelezen:

"Couscous en andere heerlijke gerechten uit Marokko" door Paula Wolfert; Overblijvende Library, Harper and Row, New York, NY; 1973

De invoering wordt gedaan door Gael Greene en het eerste hoofdstuk is een korte geschiedenis van het Marokko en de Marokkaanse volk. Het vertelt van de cultuur en het eten. Er zijn dus veel makkelijk te bereiden recepten in dit boek en elk veld dat ik heb voorbereid heeft komen prachtige. Gelieve te kopen dit geweldige kookboek.

Berber cultuur en strand breekt komen samen met Villa vakantie in Marokko

Voor een pauze die geeft je de kans om te genieten van de zon en krijg een inzicht in een historische beschaving, kan u ontdekken dat villa vakantie in Marokko teek de juiste vakken.

Door het bezoeken van Agadir niet alleen zult u kunnen genieten van een plek van zonnebaden op het uitgestrekte strand maar ook vindt u meer informatie over de Berbers, inheemse bevolking van Noord-Afrika.

Als je iets van een gier cultuur kunt u aan het hoofd naar de overblijfselen van de stad kasbah bij het verlaten van uw villa in Agadir voor de dag.

Gebouwd in de 16e eeuw bovenop een heuvel door de stad Saadi heersers, werd deze structuur ernstig beschadigd door een aardbeving die plaatsvond in 1960. Nochtans, kunt u een idee van wat dit gebouw was als in haar hoogtijdagen als onderdeel van haar wallen staan nog steeds krijgen. En als u de kasbah bij zonsondergang bezoekt, u zal zitten kundig voor zien sommige prachtig uitzicht op de baai.

Als u wilt meer informatie over de regio's verleden, bent u zeker willen het Amazigh Heritage Museum te bezoeken. Niet alleen zal u zitten kundig voor een dieper inzicht in de veranderende leven van de Berbers in de loop der eeuwen krijgen, maar ook kunt u een collectie van prachtige zilveren sieraden.

Nadat scherp om erachter te komen hoe de Berbers van vandaag gaan over hun leven, in welk geval hoofd aan de El nemen in de exposities u wellicht-souk Had. Een bezoek aan de markten geeft je de kans om te zien lokale bevolking kopen van vers voedsel en andere items. Voor een echt authentiek villa vakantie ervaring, waarom niet halen sommige streekproducten en hebben een gaan op het creëren van uw versie van sommige klassieke Marokkaanse gerechten?

Bezoeken van Agadir medina district kan ook geven u een inzicht in Berbercultuur. Dit gebied van de stad werd herbouwd in de jaren negentig en zoals jullie het ingewikkelde netwerk van straten u zult tegenkomen kraampjes en souks verkopen een breed scala van waren. Als u behoefte heeft aan een adempauze, zal u ook komen over een Moorse café waar je kunt krijgen een drankje en een hapje te eten.

Maar terwijl Agadir schitterend met culturele bezienswaardigheden en winkels is, er is veel meer te doen in de stad. Met een tien kilometer zandstrand strand en een minimum van 300 dagen zon per jaar is het ook de perfecte plek voor u om te werken aan uw tan.

Echter, als u wilt een beetje meer actief dan vindt u dat de stad kustlocatie u proberen uw hand bij een scala van watersporten zoals windsurfen kunt, kitesurfen en zeilen. U kunt ook gaan paardrijden of golfen op een aantal cursussen.

Met zo veel dingen te zien en te doen vind je jezelf boeken villa vakantie in Marokko jarenlang te komen!

Ontsluiting van de talloze Mysteries van Marokko

Toeristen massaal naar Marokko te drinken in een cultuur gebaseerd op specerij. Een belangrijke route voor handelaren uit de oudheid, het is niet alleen over het product zo gewaardeerde in de lokale keuken. Het land is, op zich, een specerij schat - rijk, weelderige en een oase van smakelijke cultuur. Het is geworden synoniem met de vitale en exotische beeldspraak van bazaars, Midden-Oosten keuken en de rode stof van de Sahara.

Er is geen fijnere manier om je hielen graven in en echt vangen de essentie van het leven van deze cultuur dan met behulp van uw voeten op een wandelvakantie.

Verken de straten

De straten van Marrakech hum met hectische kleur, en wandelen in Marokko is de beste manier om te ontgrendelen de geheimen van de hoofdstad. Terwijl een tour in een airconditioned bus kan voorkomen dat je de zomerhitte en u het gevoel extra veilig en beschermd, uiteindelijk dat u zal niet zitten kundig voor hetzelfde gevoel maken van duiken in hals over kop en het ontdekken van de cultuur uit de eerste hand hebben. Verdeeld in de historische stad, Medina, en de Europese Gueliz, hebt u de kans om te ervaren een onstuimige mix van bazaars en winkelcentra, rokerige holen en open cafés, bruisende straat-verkopers en chique winkels.

Geniet van de mensen

Vele toeristen die hangen te lang in de rust van hun moderne hotels of een beetje te vrolijk blik op de toeristische sites vanuit het raam van een tourbus missen op boeiende met de echte cultuur. In contrast, wanneer op een vakantie wandelen in Marokko hebt u de mogelijkheid om te nemen van uw tijd met de echte plaatselijke bevolking en met hun cultuur. U kan ruilen met een leverancier op een markt, een woestijn herder vragen hoe hij woont, en luister naar de verhalen van een lokale matriarch in een bakkerij op weg naar de Koutoubia-moskee.

Trek de paden

De meeste straten waren oorspronkelijk is gemaakt voor een wandeling, en dit is geen minder het geval in steden zoals Marrakech en Casablanca. Het voordeel van wandelen in Marokko (in tegenstelling tot het meeste van uw tijd in een bus, taxi of jeep wordt pendelde van de ene toeristische site naar de volgende uitgaven) is dat u uw eigen pad kunt maken. Ontdek de straten, vinden oude paden, dwalen doelloos rond en vinden wat opwinding - dit is het plezier van ontrafelen steden zoals Casablanca of oude Moorse steden op de rand van de Sahara op de voet.

Proef het eten

Voedsel is het vlaggenschip van elke cultuur, en wandelen in Marokko kunt u opstaan nauw en persoonlijk aan de keuken aangeboden. Dit is een natie die houdt van de smaak, en je echt nodig om het handen krijgen op en verkennen, bedenken en de eigenaardigheden van de kleine niche winkels en verborgen gerechten proeven. De Berber, Moor en Arabische invloeden, de inlandse kruiden en het erfgoed van de Koninklijke keukens van Fez en Rabat, hebben gecombineerd tot heerlijke couscous, lam, Tajine, Harira, kaab el ghzal en groene thee - maar te noemen een paar iconische gerechten.

The Essence Of Marrakech Morocco

Only a few hours from Europe is a place where you will marvel at the sights and sounds of a distant land. Boasting a rich history, exotic adventures, open-air bazaars, and an incredible mix of cultures, Marrakech will inevitably seduce each of your senses in a very poignant way. Along with the spectacular scenery, discerning travelers will be instantly lured by the magic of Marrakech.

For centuries, the land of Morocco has been attracting travelers in search of adventure and exotic opportunities. The city of Marrakech lies in the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains only an hour away, and excursions are adventurous and in traditional Moroccan style: luxury camping in Bedouin tents, a camel journey lead by a nomad guide through the dunes, horseback riding through the Atlas foothills where ancient caravans traversed, or cycling through crumbling 16th century desert kasbahs (ancient parts of a city).

You can visit a traditional Berber village, take a day hike, or trek Mount Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa. Hot air ballooning allows you to take in the sites of a diverse landscapes – a beautiful mountain ranges with cliff-hanging villages, emerald tinted lakes, and high altitude pastures.

There are plenty of opportunities to shop the souks (marketplaces) and explore the alleyways of this genuinely romantic city. An ancient capital, Marrakech offers the largest traditional market in Morocco and the busiest square in all of Africa. Explorations must be done on foot, bicycle or horse-drawn carriages in the labyrinthine backstreets of ancient medinas, where exotic spices waft through crowded narrow storefronts tempting you to do some serious bargain shopping.

Souks display colorful pottery and carpets and customary creations of apothecary goods, cosmetics, herbs, jewelry, leather, perfumes, and slippers, all traditional commodities in this Arabic country. Snake charmers, musicians, dancers and jugglers line the souks to entertain and awe tourists and locals alike.

In a land full of wonderful surprises, there are many top luxury hotels in Marrakech, diverse as the landscape in Morocco.

The Hivernage Hotel & Spa, set in the heart of Marrakech, is a magnificent hotel surrounded by lush gardens and stunning views of the Atlas Mountains. High ceilings, marble columns and extravagant fabrics give this hotel its character.

Amanjena Resort, which translates to “peaceful paradise” was built in 2000, and is the first of the Aman Resort on the African continent. Known for offering exclusivity and privacy, this resort is set within an oasis of palms and mature olive trees.

Hotel La Mamounia has quite a reputation, in years past, for conducting stately dinners for which men dressed in top hats and tails and women, adorned with jewels, wore long evening gowns. Currently closed through 2007 for extensive renovations, this hotel is set amid tranquil gardens almost three hundred years old, and is known as one of the world’s grandest and most exquisite hotels.

Marrakech is known as the Red City, or in Arabic as Al Medina al-Hamra, because of its rose tinted building. With the old city (medina) and the modern metropolis, population is estimated to be around two million.

Riads (urban houses) are situated around a courtyard and garden, and represent a traditional dwelling place where residents ca n find peace from the clamor of the city. The locals are friendly, and their demanding way of life a constant source of amazement. Men shuffle around in hooded cloaks and begin each day with an exhilarating call to prayer at the local mosque.

Becoming part of this culture is inevitable. It is an honor to join a family to dine within a private riad to eat delicious, slow-cooked tajines of lamb and flat Moroccan bread. The drinking of mint tea is customary, as is the exotic art of belly dancing. Eating couscous, socializing and simply soaking up the hospitality is part of a typical Moroccan day.

Come and see what this magical country has to offer, from cultural exchanges to adventurous expeditions, and amazing sunsets that display a kaleidoscope of colors. From the snow-capped Atlas Mountains to the endless desert sands, experience a country of dramatic contrasts and a genuine hospitality. The rich history and traditions of this ancient land offer something for every taste. For sheer diversity, it would be hard to imagine a more perfect destination than Marrakech.

Lavish Riad In The Fes Medina Morocco La Maison Bleue

La Maison Bleue

The main house of La Maison Bleue, considered one of the most luxurious places to stay in Fes, offers peace and beauty amidst the hustle and bustle of one of the oldest walled-in cities in the world.


The heart of La Maison Bleue is a courtyard surrounded by three Moroccan salons. It also has a roof top terrace, and a library with historical books, letters written in calligraphy, and beautiful oil paintings.


La Maison Bleue has five deluxe rooms and one single room. Each room is equipped with a bathroom, telephone, television, internet, air-conditioning, mini-bar and safe.


Enjoy delicious Moroccan breakfasts in the courtyard, and mouth-watering Moroccan cuisine in a candlelit salon for dinner. Each dish will be served by waiters in traditional Moroccan attire with all the traditional Moroccan trimmings such as Moroccan salad, pastries and mint tea.

Riad Maison Bleue

This 19th century house, located in one of the most historic neighborhoods the old medina, is a celebration of Arabo-Andalusion architecture. Historically the home of an important judge and professor of theology, Moulay Bel Arbi El Alaoui, it was also the birthplace of the famous Moroccan philosopher, Aziz Lahbabi.


The Riad Maison Bleue consists of three interconnecting courtyards. The main courtyard, which has a swimming pool and a garden, is surrounded by three deluxe rooms and a Moorish salon. The riad also has three terraces, each with stunning views.


Accommodation includes 11 deluxe rooms and 2 standard rooms. Each room is equipped with its own bathroom, air-conditioning, telephone, television, internet, mini bar, and safe.


Enjoy traditional home-cooked meals served on the lovely terraces when it is warm, or in the covered courtyard during the colder months.

Private Accommodation

The Riad Maison Bleue offers private accommodation, Pavillion de l’Astrolabe, which consists of 4 deluxe rooms and 1 standard room. These rooms, along with 2 Moorish salons, are centered around a private courtyard with a fountain.


The spa of La Maison Bleue offers traditional body treatments, hammam, massages, and aromatherapy. You can enjoy a range of massages and treatments for different health and relaxation benefits. Massages and treatments offered include toning massages, oriental foot massages, traditional soap scrub, body masks, clay and henna wraps, and much more.

The spa of La Maison Bleue includes a treatment room, a fitness room, and a relaxation room (with wonderful views over Fes).

Know The Geography Of Spain

A detailed map of Spain will come in handy when it’s time to plan your vacation. You can get a quick overview of the geography and topography, and help you orient yourself to the important cities and landmarks within the country. You can also get a feel for where Spain lies in relation to the rest of Europe and the world.

Where in the World?

Spain is at the southwest part of Europe. In comparison, Spain is just over two times the size of the state of Oregon in the US. Besides the mainland, Spain also includes several islands off the coast of Morocco. The islands are the Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Penon de Alhucemas, Islas Chafarinas and Penon de Velez de la Gomera. Understanding the physical layout and area of Spain goes a long way toward understanding the Spanish culture.

Though Spain borders several countries (France, Gibraltar, Portugal and Morocco), it still has a considerable amount of coastline (nearly 5000 km). Beaches are a significant draw for vacationers. Another reason it’s so popular is because of the mild climate. Spain enjoys good weather nearly year-round. The most temperate area is along the coastline, with the more extreme temperature changes occurring inland.

At its lowest point, Spain is at sea level. The country’s highest point is a peak in the Canary Islands. The Pico de Teide reaches 3718 m.

Important Cities in Spain

The Strait of Gibraltar lies at the southern tip of Spain. This is the route from the Mediterranean Sea to the North Atlantic Ocean. This is a popular passing area for merchants and trade.

The Alicante region, located in the southeast region of Spain, is a popular tourist attraction for visitors from Europe. It offers a wide variety of activities, from historical ruins to modern conveniences.

Madrid, Spain’s capital, is near the center of Spain, near the Tagus River, which flows to the North Atlantic Ocean via Portugal. Seville is in the southwestern part of Spain. It’s famous for it’s tributes to Spanish culture through art and culture. It’s also an important financial center in Spain. Barcelona and Cartagena are also popular tourist spots.

The cities of Gijon and Santander are located near the Bay of Biscay, on the northern coast of Spain. Other northern coastal cities include A Coruna and Vigo. As Spain is nearly completely surrounded by water, it’s no surprise that fishing and salt harvesting are big business here.

Soothing Aromatherapy At Your Favorite Marrakech Riad

While it is true that the real adventurers never lose enthusiasm towards going places, we can not deny the fact that traveling is a strenuous activity that can rob us out of energy. An exotic destination such as the city of Marrakech in Morocco requires every traveler to be fueled not only with mere passion for travel, but also with a well-nourished mind and body. A simple rest and sleep in a Marrakech Riad are not enough to comfort a traveler’s body drained out of energy and vigor. So, how do you fully restore power for your mind and body while inside a Marrakech Riad? The answer is only a sniff away.

Aromatherapy, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, is a “therapy using essential oils extracted from plant materials to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual health and balance”. The extracted oils, which mostly came from fragrant flowers, are capable of bringing a calming and relaxing feeling that can relieve your body, mind, and soul from the stress and fatigue that any travel activity can bring. Do you know that some Marrakech Riad hammams are home to three rare kinds of essential oils that have many beneficial properties? If not, read on so you will know which essential oil your body needs at the moment:

1. Atlas Cedarwood Essential Oil

The plant that gives out this essential oil can only be found in Morocco, particularly near the Atlas Mountain area, which explains the name. Atlas Cedarwood oil is clear so it mixes well with rose and cypress oils. It has a rich, woody, and long-lasting aroma that makes it a favorite ingredient in high quality perfumes. It is proven to improve the circulation of the blood and can help prevent urinary diseases. People with oily skins can benefit from this essential oil because once applied, it regulates the production of sebum or the oily substance of our skin. Many satisfied Atlas Cedarwood essential oil consumers in Marrakech Riad hammams claim that the oil reduces anxiety and calms the mind.

2. Bay Essential Oil

Spain and Morocco are the top producers of this essential oil extracted from a plant which belongs to the family of Evergreen trees. It is also referred to as Sweet Bay and Laurel. This herb, which used to be a symbol of courage and wisdom during the Roman period, undergoes steam distillation for the extraction of the oil. Bay oil relieves muscle pain, rheumatism and other general body aches. People with thinning hair should take advantage of the special property of Bay oils that promote hair growth. If you are in a Marrakech Riad hammam, ask for the masseurs to give you a massage with this essential oil that comes with the sweet scent of Ylang-Ylang or Juniper extracts. A pleasurable massage using the Bay oil will definitely prepare you for more exciting Marrakech travel adventures.

3. Argan Essential Oil

Southwest Morocco is the only place where you can find Argan, the tree which produces the fruit that gives out the precious Argan oil. If you are a skincare conscious traveler, it is recommended that you request the masseurs in your Marrakech Riad hammam to apply Argan essential oil on your skin because of its regenerative property; meaning it has the ability to reactivate cells that can make your skin look younger and healthy. Erase those unwanted wrinkles by applying a small amount of this vitamin E-rich essential oil on your face. The refreshing smell of Argan oil is also a proven stress-reliever.

You see, a Riad in Marrakech is not only a simple Moroccan accommodation. It can also be a place where you can get a soothing aromatherapy experience.

Cheap African Vacations

The words Cheap Africa Vacations don’t really make sense, so why did you search under these three words?

If you think about it logically, the word ‘cheap’ has come to mean poor quality, when really what you want is quality that is inexpensive!!

The question now is, do you know anything that is cheap, but is good quality, so don’t think you can get Cheap Africa vacations that are also high quality!!

The next point is Africa – you need to be more specific – after all Africa is a very large continent, with huge differences in scenery, climate, and cultures, so where in Africa do you rally want to take a cheap vacation?

Consider this – Africa takes in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, all different in themselves, but vastly different to Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia, Kenya, which are themselves different to South Africa.

We must add to this list, the offshore islands of Zanzibar, and perhaps The Seychelles, and Mauritius, although it would be easy to argue they belong to The Indian Ocean, and wouldn’t qualify as somewhere to go for a Cheap Africa Vacation.

Finally from the three words Cheap Africa Vacations, we must take the word ‘Vacation’.

What does a vacation mean to you, because the success or failure of your hard earned break depends entirely on your family unit all being happy with the same kind of vacation.

You may think a safari would be amazing, but how do you feel about tents, creepy crawlies? Do you want to spend time looking at ancient treasures and tombs?

Are you basically a bone idle beach bum, at your happiest with a good book and a cool refreshing glass? How about the noise, and smell and adventure of the ‘souk’ with lots of hassle and excitement? Is sophistication necessary for enjoyment?

Be in no doubt the continent of Africa offers a great variety of vacation opportunities.

From Egypt on the northeastern coast to the game reserves of Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa, there is something for everybody. The most popular tourist areas are those bordering the Mediterranean Sea on the northeastern coast, such as Tunisia, and Morocco, then the islands of the Seychelles.

An area of increasing popularity in South Africa is a wine tour. At the opposite end of the continent several thousand miles away, Egypt is home to countless antiquities. A visit to Africa should be made with great care, as it is too large to tackle in one trip. You need to focus on a region and allow enough time to adequately see that area of the continent.

Travel To Morocco Mavens Of The Maghreb

Morocco is the essence of North African charm and the land of commingling horizons. Glittering Saharan deserts of the south and east quickly become snow-capped mountains of the Atlas range, followed by the rolling green heartland, which drops down to the sparkling Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines. Travel to Morocco and wrap yourself in the warmth of the enduring Berber, Arab and African people and 10,000 years of their most fascinating history; a history that could only occur where the spheres of Africa and Europe meet intimately and unavoidably upon the Strait of Gibraltar.

Charmed as a Snake

One distinctive layer of Morocco is its great imperial Islamic cities. The central medina (old town) of each city is typically still walled in and houses the most ancient part of these treasured towns, including a minaret-tipped mosque. Open-air markets, snake-charmers, music performers and caf

What To Look Out For When You Re Buying Travel Books

Surely everyone loves a good travel book but sometimes they can be disappointing, more often, say, than a recipe or handcraft book. There are ways to avoid missing the bus.

Before forking out dollars for a travel book, ask yourself the following: am I in love with the idea of this book or the book itself? Take for example a book entitled “Gorgeous Morocco”. Are you in love with the idea of glorious Morocco or the book you are holding in your hand? To establish this you need to ask: what is the purpose of buying this book?

If you are planning a trip to Morocco and it’s nuts-and-bolts information you are seeking, then it is no good buying the incoherent ramblings of a traveling school teacher in the 1950's. It’s also no good being attracted by the photographs, because photos do lie and hardly constitute hard information. If you are simply keen on reading and learning about Morocco in general, then a book written from any angle will do, unless it is something completely off-beam, like a book written in the 1920's by a missionary, called “How I Converted Four Heathens In Morocco”.

If it’s useful travel information you are after, ask yourself: is this book up to date and properly researched? If you are holding a book called “Mainland Greece”, for instance, do a quick test. Think of a town in mainland Greece you know, such as Thrace, and see how quickly it takes to locate the section on Thrace and how useful the information is concerning accommodation, transport, restaurants, attractions, etc.

Easy-to-navigate handbooks with great indexes are just the ticket. They should be compact, so you can fit them in your hand luggage and cheap enough that if you lose them you don’t mind. The rule of thumb is that a few illustrative photographs are good – they show serious intent on the part of author and publisher to inform you – but too many photographs diminish the quality and quantity of the usable information. There should be concise historical nuggets and handy insider travel tips. There should also be complementary online resources listed for up-to-the-minute information.

If it’s not practical information you are after, but you want to feed your travel dreams and inform yourselves about countries through the ages then ask: who wrote this book? There has been a “colonization” of countries through travel writing. I mean that certain writers in English writing have become inextricably linked with writings about certain countries. They are quite simply the last word on the subject.

Lawrence Durrell and Henry Miller colonized Greece. Lawrence of Arabia colonized Arabia, Robert Lacey colonized Saudi Arabia. William Dalrymple colonized Byzantium and Delhi. The Durrells colonized Corfu. Bill Bryson colonized Australia and rural America. Lisa St. Aubin de Ter

Top Three Things You Should Consider In Looking For A Marrakech Hotel

Before taking a trip to the wonderful country of Morocco, travelers should first look for a Marrakech hotel where they can stay. This task may sound fairly easy but believe me, finding a nice hotel that can cater to all your needs can also be frustrating. If a traveler can’t find a Marrakech hotel where he can comfortably rest during his vacation, chances are, he may not enjoy his trip after all.

Morocco is among the top countries in Africa that continue to attract more travelers. And if there is one thing they shouldn’t dare miss, it is the medieval charm of Marrakech as one of the country’s imperial cities. However, for you to make the most out of your travel adventures, it is highly recommended that you book your hotel as early as possible, that is, to guarantee a gratifying Marrakech vacation. If you happen to be one of the many tourists who wish to visit Morocco this year, here are the top three things you must consider in searching for a Marrakech hotel:

Check the Accommodation Costs

Traveling can be expensive– a reason why you need to know how much your Marrakech hotel accommodation may cost. Hopefully, this can help you manage your traveling finances more and expect the best in your African tour. If you are in a tight budget, you’ll be advised to stay in more affordable hotels in Marrakech. Fortunately, there are a number of discount hotels and inns in the city that can meet your expectations at the lowest possible price. All you need to do is look for cheap accommodations to save more money.

You can also search through the Net for online Marrakech hotel booking agencies that offer low-cost accommodations. Or, find special packages or programs that you can afford to help you cut on some of your travel costs.

Know the Location of Your Marrakech Hotel

If you want to book a hotel in Marrakech, another thing that you should think about is the location. Most business travelers usually stay in hotels near the airports, so they can conveniently travel. This way, transportation won’t be a problem with accessible taxis and public utility vehicles that can take you anywhere you want to go.

However, if you are interested in staying longer in the city, it will be better for you to book a Marrakech hotel near the famous attractions of Morocco. As such, more establishments are now situated around the medina, so travelers can easily go to the souks or stroll around the historical sites in Marrakech.

Do Not Forget About the Services

Since your Marrakech hotel will be your home during your trip, it is important that you check out the services that most establishments usually offer their customers. Always keep in mind that the staff of the hotel where you will stay must provide you with efficient and high-quality services. Make sure that your hotel of choice can immediately meet your needs.

In addition to these, learn about the facilities of your Marrakech hotel. Inquire about the amenities of the hotel, so you can always have a relaxing and comfortable stay. Five-star hotels usually have swimming pools, fitness gyms, and in-house restaurants. A discount hotel in Marrakech, on the other hand, has the necessary facilities and amenities that you can use.

Morocco The Most Fascinating Country

At a crossroads between two continents and two cultures, Morocco reveals itself to artists as an artistic or personal experience conducive to introspection. During one of his travels Jacques Majorelle wrote, “There are scenes of such realism that one forgets one’s time and let’s oneself go at living in the Middle Ages”.

Morocco deserves better than a simple trip to discover its variety and splendour. The following are must sees for those who have little time available or who wish to visit the main attractions.

The Mountain Ranges and passes of Morocco are particularly attractive for their contrast in nature and diversity. The diversity of the land makes it possible to adopt an approach, according to the season, that corresponds to everyone’s capacity. Toubkal (4165m) is the highest summit in Northern Africa and its ascent remains by far the most appreciated. The ochre or bluish massifs of the Anti-Atlas offer the most unusual scenery and have been recently discovered by western trekkers. Possibilities for treks include: Mule-back, mountain bike, or camel expeditions with overnight stays in a mountain hut or bivouac depending on the route and the season.

The north-east trade winds that blow on the Atlantic coast offer highly appreciated spots for surfers. Essaouira is the most well known but there are also Mehdia, Taghazout, Minleft and Sidi Bouzid. Along the coast, you will appreciate the slow, friendly pace of coastal life combined with the excitement of water sports. Windsurfers will enjoy Essaouira and the Dar Bouzza Beach south of Casablanca. And recently, Kite Surfing has gained popularity in these sleepy yet charming towns. Skiing the Atlas of Oukaimden (75km from Marrakesh). For passionate skiers, what could be more thrilling than skiing in Africa! The Oukaimden winter ski resort is located at an altitude of 2,600m and is open from January to April. It offers ski runs for all levels in an area of 300 hectares. The Michliffen ski resort near Ifrane is of more modest proportions, but still offers a great experience in the Atlas Mountains. Outside the snow season, Oukaimden offers hand gliding, rock climbing or trekking.

Morocco is renowned for its beautiful golf courses where regular international tournaments are organised. For amateurs, it is an occasion to combine sport and discovery all year long. With the backdrop of the Atlas Mountains and surrounded by Palm Trees, the serenity of the landscape serve to calm the nerves after that occasional miss hit!

A stroll in the maze of the souks (shops and merchant stalls) can sometimes prove to be a challenge but getting lost in them is a pleasure. Try to barter if you want to do some shopping. It is a well-rooted tradition in the Arab countries but may turn into a nightmare if you are unaware of the usual prices. A preliminary visit to a cooperative or good advice of a local will prove useful to avoid being taken for a fool.

Music is folklore but also tradition and has undergone various influences (Andalousian, African or rural). Music is omnipresent at celebrations and ceremonies but also in the street. Let yourself get under the spell of poetry or jerking the rythm of music that can be enjoyed at festivals (see agenda), parties and in public squares.

The richness of the Moroccan cuisine, reputed to be one of the best in the world, is a sheer joy of the senses. The multiple ingredients of the tagines and the sweetness of the cakes are staples of the Moroccan cuisine that never lacks creativity.

One can enjoy small restaurants and famous tables with a wide range of prices. Places that attract too many tourists are to be avoided for they may leave you with an insipid souvenir of Moroccan cuisine.

Morocco is a land of mountains. It’s high-level grounds cover more than 100.000 km

Food And Drink In Morocco

Eating out is one of the big attractions of Morocco. Morocco’s traditional, elaborate haute cuisine dishes are excellent, healthy and good value for money.

It is easy to see why Robert Carrier, celebrated cook and food writer, once described Moroccan food as among the most exciting in the world.

The variety of ingredients and spices used is impressive. Morocco’s abundance of fresh, locally grown foodstuffs creates an abundance of a meat, fish, fruit, root vegetables, nuts and aromatic spices, so integral to typical Moroccan cuisine.

With Arab, Berber, Roman, African, French and Spanish influences, the Moroccan food positively reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage.

Morocco Henna Leather Lamps Light Up A Room

If you want to incorporate a little of Moroccan beauty into you daily life, Morocco henna leather lamps may be just what you are looking for. These fabulously unique items will impress guests as well add a little color to your life. Placed anywhere in your home, you will be sure to have a work of art that will create a beautiful focal point, along with a great conversation piece.

Before you purchase any Morocco henna leather lamps, you should know a little about the area from where they are created. After all, these home accents will garnish a lot of attention, so you should have answers to questions when your friends and family members inquire about them.

If you plan to own Morocco henna leather lamps, it is important to know exactly what henna is. Henna is actually the name of a flowing plant. Its dye is extracted from the dried leaves and petioles of the plant.

Henna dye is typically used for decorative art on the hands and feet, but is also used to apply imaginative and distinctive designs to leather lamps and lanterns. Otherwise known as Mehndi, this type of art is very popular in India, Bangladesh, North Africa (Morocco) and the Middle East. Although more popular in the aforementioned areas, henna is gaining more and more notoriety in North America due to its intricate, yet subtle, beauty.

If the lamp you choose to purchase comes from Morocco, chances are almost 100 percent that it was made by professional artisan hands. This is why every Morocco henna leather lamp is completely unique. You will not find the identical henna design on two separate lamps. Typically made from goatskin, each section of material is hand-tied to the frame and the leather is painted with the Moroccan henna.

These lamps come in many different sizes and shapes. You can hang a huge Morocco henna leather lamp from the ceiling. Or, perhaps you want a smaller piece to accent a table in your bedroom. If that is the case, place a gorgeous, small table lamp beside your bed. The uses for these stunning lamps are endless.

The kingdom of Morocco is a beautiful country located in North Africa. It borders Spain and the Mediterranean Sea to the North, Algeria to the East, and the Atlantic Ocean to the West. Morocco is known as a constitutional monarchy, where a king or head of state is elected by the people. Unlike the United Kingdom, which is also a constitutional monarchy, the monarch has vast executive powers.

European countries, such as France and Spain, have had tremendous influence in Morocco. In fact, until the late 1950s, France and Spain both owned territories in Morocco. Once obtaining its independence, Morocco was in a state of political unrest. It was not until the late 1990s that tentative political reform was established.

Morocco henna leather lamps will add warmth and color to you home or apartment, while adding an ethnic flair that will set your place apart from the rest. There is no doubt that these lamps will never lose their style.

Finding The Perfect Ouarzazate Hotel For First Time Travelers

Choosing the right Ouarzazate hotel can be frustrating, especially for first-time travelers who don’t always have a clear idea of what they want. On your first stop to Morocco, you may have a hard time looking for Ouarzazate hotel, where you could spend the rest of your days. Without a vivid plan, you may easily lose your way in trying to find what your heart truly desires. However, what you may not realize at all is that it only takes five simple steps to finally decide on what could be your best resting place in Morocco. Here are the checklist:

1. Do your research.

Research will help you save on time, money, and energy. By checking out the web directory or yellow pages for a list of Ouarzazate hotel, you’ll have a promising start at looking for things you really want. Not only that, you can also take a look at the photographs and screenshots of the hotel facilities. However, this shouldn’t be the sole basis of your choice, knowing that images are used merely for advertising purposes. Instead, it is highly advised that you still get referrals from friends or other travelers who have been to Ouarzazate. This way, you are assured of getting honest opinions and suggestions from people you know.

2. Check your budget.

You should also check your finances when looking for a hotel. There are different five-star and discount hotels in Ouarzazate. If you have sufficient budget for expensive accommodations, book in a luxurious hotel that will surely treat you like a VIP. But if your money is on a tight budget, you may settle for a number of good low-cost Ouarzazate hotels that still offer decent services.

You can also inquire directly at the hotel for any special program for the season. By learning about the discount packages of the hotel, you can maximize the value of your money. Why not ask around if there are Ouarzazate hotels that give special rates for first-time travelers like you?

3. Ask about the services and facilities.

When you inquire about an Ouarzazate hotel, remember to ask about the services that it offers. Contact the reservations manager or desk clerk for the facilities and amenities that they have for their guests. Considering that it will be your first time to visit Ouarzazate, make sure that you will enjoy your vacation by having the top-rate services and facilities possible in your chosen hotel.

4. Read hotel reviews.

As one of the most popular cities in Morocco, more travelers visit Ouarzazate every year. Hence, you may expect a good variety of tourist hotels that abound in the place. This also means that you won’t have a hard time finding a number of hotel reviews in magazines and travel catalogs. In such case, use these articles to choose the best Ouarzazate hotel for your special needs.

5. Make a reservation.

Once you have chosen your Ouarzazate hotel, the next thing that you should do is make a reservation. Experienced travelers would recommend that you book in advance, especially if you’re planning to to go to Ouarzazate on a holiday. This prevents you from competing with other guests and pay for higher rates. What’s more, you can also have the best room location if you book earlier.

Five Fun Things To Do Inside A Fez Hotel

The medieval city of Fez in Morocco has sights and sounds that can really cure that sickness most active travelers dread about – boredom. If the weather is fine and your mood is up for some real adventures, then get out of your Fez hotel room and witness the city’s breathtaking attractions like the Bou Inania Madrassa and the Merenid Tombs. Stop by at the medina to shop for Moroccan items that you can give away to your friends back at home. Stand in awe as you watch the Moroccan artisans traditionally process leather at the city’s tanneries. Also, a lot of exciting activities and exhilarating hotspots await outside your Fez hotel, so there is no way for you to be under the vicious claws of boredom.

However, what if the weather will not allow you to experience the thrills and frills waiting outside your Fez hotel room? Or what if you are not in the mood to face the Fez travel challenges but still looking forward to a fun-filled day? Do not worry, in case severe boredom sets in, try one or more of these five fun things to do inside your Fez accommodation:

1. Lose Yourself In A Book

Finally, it is your chance to finish that book you started reading while on flight but had to put down to give way for those Morocco trips. Reading is always a delightful pastime. Only a book has the ability to bring you to many magical places by just simply flipping pages. Don’t have anything to read? Try Mark Ellingham’s “The Rough Guide to Morocco”.

2. Practice Your Culinary Skill

If you never tried cooking for yourself before, this is an exciting thing to do. Find a recipe of a simple Moroccan dish on the Internet and pretend like you are Morocco’s version of Iron Chef. Remember to follow the instructions carefully so you can come up with a dish that you can be really proud of. Offer it to your travel buddies and ask for feedbacks.

3. Join the Blogosphere

An online travel journal is a must-have for travelers. Your travel experiences and ideas might be helpful to other people. It is also a convenient way of telling your family and friends the events happened to you along your trip. Visiting other blogs can also provide inspiration for future posts. It can even be an avenue for building new friendships. To do this, make sure to book at a Fez hotel that has a reliable Internet connection.

4. Play Sports

Most Morocco accommodations have recreational facilities that you can utilize according to your liking. Tennis courts, swimming pools, and golf courses are the usual amenities found in a Fez hotel. Involving yourself in these sports can benefit you in two ways: one, it can help you escape from boredom; and two, it can be beneficial to your health.

5. Indulge In A Sound Trip

After you feasted your eyes on Fez’s captivating scenery, it is time you give your ears a shot of your favorite tunes. Whatever music genre you are into, a song with a nice rhythm and beat will never fail to bring a relaxing feeling to your body and soul. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your favorite CD, press play, and turn up the volume. Just make sure you do not disturb the Fez hotel occupants next door!

Morocco Vacations And Travel Information

Before you venture on your Moroccan holiday it is important to make sure all of your accommodation requirements are taken care off. One of the advantages to holidaying in Morocco is the fact that regardless of your budget, you can find a reasonable rest house for the duration of you stay. Even the most basic room can be found at a reasonable cost with adequate amenities and a clean comfortable atmosphere.

Depending on the destination of choice while staying in Morocco, the money you will pay for accommodation will vary. The capital city of Rabat offers reasonable accommodation for almost any budget, but with the more luxurious to be found in the city centre. The Mercure Hotel in Rabat is situated in the heart of the city and is only five minutes away from the main historic monuments.

Another reasonably priced hotel to be found in Rabat is the Sheherazade Hotel. This hotel is set in a quiet residential area and is a stones through from the tour hassan and the Mohammed V Mausoleum. Offering a gracious and comfortable stay, the Sheherazade Hotel is perfect for any traveler. Located just 15 minutes from the Rabat-sale international airport, this hotel is ideal for your every need.

Or for a more luxurious stay then the La Tour Hassan Meridian 5 star hotel offers a perfectly situated hotel with all amenities at the highest standard.

The hotels to be found in Marrakesh range from the ridiculously expensive to the affordable comfortable abode. For those looking for special treatment while staying in Marrakech, then a stopover at the La Maison Arabe is called for. Known as the culinary place to be, the La Maison Arabe hotel offers not just a congenial place to rest your head, but a gastronomic feast. Even our very own Winston Churchill made a point of dining here!

The Ksar Char-Bagh Palace is stylish and handsome. Situated in the heart of the snow topped peaks of the Atlas mountains and nested between stunning palm groves, the Ksar Char-Bagh Palace is a treasure to Marrakesh.

Taroudant is a popular day trip location for the Moroccan traveler. This location has a certain charm and grace to be found no where else in Morocco and is set in the midst of groves of oranges and pomegranates. The high walls which surround this majestic land are tinted with pink and orange and is a sight to be seen, For those who wish to extend there stay then the La Gazelle D’or hotel offers an exceptional five star service. This hotel not only provides all the luxury you could wish for but is also situated in a 250 acre park which takes your breath away.

The hotels in each area are an example of the quality and class to be found. Obviously depending on your own budget, these hotels may be suited to your needs or you may want to consider unadorned or more reasonably priced accommodation. Although even the more basic establishments can provide adequate accommodation at a sound price. This is one of the attractions to Morocco, there is something to suit everyone.

Places Of Interest In Morocco

A pleasant culture shock awaits you as you arrive in Morocco. It is as culturally rich as it is geographically diverse and cannot fail to impress. Visiting some of its towns and villages and experiencing the generosity of its people will leave you hooked, as I was, by the Arabic experience.


Fez is the bustling cultural and spiritual centre of Morocco.

The main attraction is the Medieval Medina in the colourful old city, which has been continuously inhabited since the 10th century. It is busy with traditionally dressed Moroccans, and rich with the noise of buying and selling, veiled women going about their work and bell-ringing water sellers.

A guided tour is the easiest way to tackle the buzzing hive that is traditional Fez, but if you are brave, you can negotiate the tiny alleyways, too narrow for cars whilst risking getting lost and then haggling with a local to be guided back out!

The Tanneries: A visit to the souks will lead to a visit to Fez’s famous tanneries, where one of the oldest arts in the world is practiced to produce the soft leather do characteristic of Morocco.

You’ll need a strong stomach for the smells given off during curing, while you look down on the fascinating tanners’ yard and its impressive vats of different coloured dyes and piles of skins. Open 9-6, admission free.

View Point: The best vantage point over the ancient walled city is from the ruined Merenid Tombs on a hilltop to the east of the city. From here you can see the skyline with its profusion of satellite dishes, and a general mass of palaces, green-roofed holy places, the tanneries, as well as the adjacent Karaouine Mosque.

Moulay Idriss ll: In the depths of the old city sits the shrine that houses the remains of the founder of the city of Fez, Moulay Idriss II. It is one of the holiest buildings in the city. Non-Muslims may not enter, but you can glimpse inside to see the saint’s tomb, which is receives constant devotional visits from groups of women who burn candles and incense.


Walking through the alleyways and souks of Marrakech, particularly in the Medina of the old city, it is easy to believe you have been transported back in time to the “Arabian Nights”.

It is this enchanting mood that brings thousands of sightseers to the most visited of Moroccan cities.

The Medina is characterized by much noise, hustle and bustle with tradesmen and craftsmen going about their daily tasks of cloth dying, copper beating or leather working, as well as herbalists, perfumers and slipper makers.

Snow-covered peaks of the High Atlas Mountains form a beautiful backdrop for the city, although they are often hidden by the heat haze.

Djemaa el-Fna: In the heart of the Medina. It is an irregular ‘square’ and a hub of action where tourists flock to soak up the busy atmosphere. Tourism, though, has not spoilt, but rather added to the complete picture.

Marrakesh has a modern side with its luxury hotels, banks and streets bursting with motor scooters, while it blends effortlessly with the past of the old city.

Marrakech was founded in 1062 by Youssef bin Tachfine of the Almoravide dynasty, and his son perfected the city by bringing in architects and Andalucian craftsmen from C

Major Tourist Resorts In Morocco

For now, Morocco remains relatively untouched by mass tourism, however there are some spots on the tourist map that are particularly well served for visitors.

Agadir: Morocco’s Number 1 Tourist Resort

Situated towards the south of Morocco on the Atlantic coast, Agadir boasts 9 Km of superb white sandy beach and all the amenities of a modern seaside resort.

Agadir boasts 300 days of hot sunshine, which is also especially prominent in winter months. Here you can find many five star hotels and a huge supply of hotel beds, reputedly a quarter of the total in Morocco.

Initially, there seems little sign of the rich history and tradition to be found in other Moroccan cities, although if you search it out, you will find it within the depths of the town. This is largely due to an unprecedented earthquake that shook Agadir in 1961. It has now been re-modelled as a popular package holiday destination, as well as a major fishing port.

Once dubbed the Miami of Morocco, Agadir offers a wide range of activities – along the beach, camel rides, parascending, scooters and speed boats, as well as horse riding, tennis and an 18-hole golf course.

Nightlife in Agadir is typically European in style, being the number one tourist resort in Morocco. Moroccans see this as fantastic, compared to the lack of night clubs in most Moroccan towns. Most dicos and clubs form part of hotels, but normally welcome outside guests. Unfortunately, Moroccan girls do not usually frequent night clubs unless they are out working.

Agadir offers the latest laser light show technology in many of its clubs. Casinos at Club Valtur and the Sheraton Starwoods Hotel are very popular. Caf

Morocco Vacations

Morocco is a place where sand embraces the sea and snow. The charismatic beauty of the place is such that it lures visitors from around the world. The southern coast of Morocco converges in the Western Sahara whereas its northern sides are enveloped by the bedazzling snow capped Atlas Mountains. The Atlas Mountains not just add to the scenic splendor of the place but also safeguard it against its hostile neighbor, Algeria. The area between the mountains and Morocco’s Atlantic coast is covered with fertile plains. Beautiful gorges venturing into the sand and stony wastes of Sahara desert can be witnessed at the edge of the Anti Atlas.

Morocco cities are places worth visiting. Perhaps the oldest city of this place is Fes. Fes is also known as the heart of morocco. The medina of Fes el-Bali or Old Fes is one of the largest living medieval cities in the world today. The magnificent gates and walls here add to the grandeur of the place. The Moroccan city of Marrakesh is known for its rich culture and heritage. Marrakesh is the former capital of morocco. Today the city is famous for its vibrant markets and festivals. To keep its visitors especially children busy the city presents a plethora of activities by magicians, snake charmers, acrobats etc. Spring and autumn seasons are ideal to explore this wonderful city. The city of Rabat displays a perfect confluence of historical events and contemporary developments. The ambience of this city is Islamic as well as European in nature.

Other pulls of morocco include Ait Benhaddou, the most exotic and best-preserved kasbahs in the entire Atlas area. It is one amongst the coveted place for film shootings. The beautiful Central Medina is a huge square in the medina that is the backdrop for one of the world’s greatest spectacles. From open-air food stalls to storytellers, snake charmers and musicians here you will find every source of entertainment. Be it any time of the year the Hasan II Mosque, the world’s third biggest religious monument is seldom left unvisited. The exterior of the mosque bears a French design while its interior is dedicated to the Moroccan style. If you want to see the largest and the well-kept Roman ruins in morocco then Volubilis is the place you need to hit. The origins of Volubilis can be traced back to 2nd and 3rd centuries AD though excavations reveal that Carthaginian traders discovered the site.

The month of May is swarming with Muslims because of the Mousseum of sid Mohammed Ma al-Ainin festival. This is an occasion to see the ‘blue people’ i.e Tuareg nomads of Sahara. Also popularly known is the National folklore Festival of Marrakesh. It is a ten-day event that is attended by dancers, musician and other entertainers from all the corners of the city. November is the month of celebration of Independence Day in Morocco.

8 Reasons To Fall In Love With Marrakech Travel

Just beneath the high mountain range of the African Atlas is the red city of Morocco known as Marrakech. With a culture that has grown to be so vibrant, free, and pure, who would have known that this imperial city only started as another pit stop for medieval caravans? However, regardless of its humble beginnings, you’ll still be bound by its magic spell with the warmth of its people, inspiring history, and colorful tradition. Standing in the middle of the red city walls, you’ll know for sure that you’re in for a timeless escape with Marrakech travel. But to make the most out of your journey to this spellbinding exotic destination, here are the top eight things you shouldn’t dare miss on your Marrakech travel:

1. Relive the memories of the old city.

The 13th century walls that surround the medina is reminiscent of ancient struggles and battles that took place in Morocco. A tour around the age-old fortresses, gates, and tanneries in your Marrakech travel is a good photo opportunity for tourists. Not only that, you’ll also enjoy the inviting spirit of the modern city amidst the well-preserved relics, natural wonders, and architectural pieces of the past. With friendly people and bustling activities around the corner, you’ll enjoy every minute of this experience.

2. Get lost with the crowd at Djemaa el Fna.

This large square that lies at heart of the old city is teeming with too many spectacles and surprises. From bargain shopping to snake charming, you’ll never have a dull moment in your Marrakech travel. Open your eyes to a lot of things, which include juggling acts, musical performances, as well as belly dancing. You don’t even have to worry about losing your way back to your hotel. As overwhelmingly large as it can be, the square offers a winding escape to interesting sites around the city.

3. Take a spiritual retreat.

They say that paying a visit to popular trails of mosques, churches, and other places of worship is a wonderful Marrakech travel experience that can be life-altering. However, for those who only wish to satisfy their curiosities, time is well-spent in admiring some of the most exquisite architectural designs in the world. You’ll be stunned how Marrakech was able to preserve the intricate details and premedieval style of these structures but much more, how it preserved its solemnity. The famous pilgrimage for the “seven saints” is also found in this city, while the Saadian tombs is highly recommended by most tourist guides.

4. Shop and explore its very best.

Popular market stands also known as “souks” offer the best treat for bargain shopping. The bazaar is usually filled with exotic finds such as metal works, wood pieces, baskets, and leather sets– some of which, you’ll only find in Morocco. You’ll also be advised not to end your Marrakech travel without a belt, jewelry, carpet, or any form of clothing that are found in the souk.

5. Take a journey to the past.

Marrakech is one of the best places to find age-old ceramics, paintings, mosaic, jewelries, and fabrics. Its museums house prestigious artifacts that date back to more than a thousand years. Manuscripts, contemporary arts, and traditional clothing are among the well-preserved collection. You may also take note in your Marrakech travel experience that museums here are not just brick-and-mortar structures but are also adorned with verdant gardens.

6. Stay in luxurious Riads in Marrakech.

Your Marrakech travel experience will not be complete without staying in the city’s famous Riads. These are residential facilities that top any 5-star hotel in modern cities. With luxurious rooms, overlooking views of the fountain, roof top terraces, and exquisite decorations, Riads are one of the best reasons to stay in Marrakech.

7. Experience the colorful tradition of Morocco.

Embrace the Moroccan culture through entertainment activities and festivals in Marrakech. The Popular Arts Festival is a good way to add more life to your Marrakech travel adventures. Have a great time with fortune-tellers, fire swallowers, and acting troupes in the culmination of this festivity. Apart from carnival spectacles, you’ll also witness the horse-riding parade known as Fantasia.

8. Treat yourself to fun-filled activities.

Popular streams of casinos, discos, and bars are found in the city. But remember, alcoholic drinks are not allowed. Chances are, you’ll have to stay sober all night. Apart from enjoying Western hits and Moroccan pop music, your Marrakech travel adventure can never be complete without experiencing a taste of its gourmet paradise. Most cafes and restaurants in Marrakech offer a fusion of flavors from home grown recipes to international dishes.